The Kremlin Can’t Hide Its Ukraine War Dead: Reports Emerge Of Funerals Across Russia | Talking Points Memo

Meanwhile Boris Johnson’s Not-So-Great Britain shows its support for Ukraine in strange ways.

UK turns away nearly 300 Ukrainians at Calais

Almost 300 Ukrainians have been turned away while trying to cross to the UK from Calais, France.

The number is almost the same as the total number of Ukrainian visas issued so far by the Home Office.

Many refugees seek to cross the border from France to the UK through the port of Calais.

About 589 people have arrived there since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began, according to Calais’ sub-prefect, Véronique Deprez-Boudier. She said 286 had been turned away by UK authorities.

Some Ukrainians in Calais have told the BBC they face a wait of a week for an appointment to get a family reunion visa. But the Home Office insists visa application centres across Europe have appointments available this week.

“It’s important to build a more organised team to accompany these people to get a visa here," Deprez-Boudier told BBC News.

Some 17,700 people have applied to come to the UK as part of the Ukrainian Family Scheme, and 300 visas have been issued.

Earlier on Monday UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson said Britain was a “very generous country”, but it wanted to maintain checks on who was arriving.

(From the BBC’s live reporting feed.)

I mean sure – we can’t take any chances. One of those so-called “Ukrainian refugees” might actually be a Polish plumber in disguise, and we couldn’t have any of that any more.



Is anyone else here wondering when mercs from Blackwater , or whatever the hell Prince is calling his private army these days, are going to show up in the pay of Putin?


Well, at least they’re being consistent in hating everyone who isn’t British or isn’t a Russkie oligarch with a few tens or hundreds of millions of pounds as an “investment” bribe.



City Mouse here, you know how many other City Mice have giant trucks?

It’s laughable. Plus they never help me move with their giant trucks.


Brexit paying off already!


More here.


Not so much. It’s actually been much harder for them since Brexit, since while they were in the EU, could deal with the common rules about refugees (mainly African and Syrian in recent years), which normally require asylum claims in the first EU country they land in (very convenient arrangement for the northwestern countries well clear of where most people are coming from overland).

Now, people manage to make the crossing, Britain is on their own.


I have communicated with Mr. Soros and we’re busy in the sunflower seed market right now. As of this time you and playit may take some time to recreate in Kazantip, work on your tans.


All the NAZIs love them - they’re cleverly half of a swastika … ready for conversion to full nazi swastika to proudly display one’s complete lack of humanity.


From the Guardian live feed. Sounds like they’re making a big effort to decapitate Russian forces.

2m ago 00:19

Russian generals killed in fighting, reports claim

A senior Russian general has been killed in fighting in Kharkiv , according to Ukraine’s defence ministry.

The ministry tweeted on Monday that its forces had killed Maj Gen Vitaly Gerasimov. He is believed to have been first deputy commander of Russia’s 41st army.

It follows reports that another senior Russian commander was killed in Ukraine last week.

Maj Gen Andrei Sukhovetsky, commander of an airborne division, was killed in fighting on 28 February, an officers’ organisation in Russia reported, according to Newsweek. Multiple other reports also say Sukhovetsky, who was also said to have been a special forces commander and Syria veteran, was killed by a Ukrainian sniper.

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Wish America could act this respectful and patriotic and united about America.


The money will roll right in!


Funny, she’s priti on the outside.


Classic case of pulling up the ladder behind you.


My neighbor down the street put out his taps and buckets Saturday. This whole week is expected to be perfect weather for collecting sap - temps in the 30’s and low 40’s during the day, teens to 20’s at night.


They should try this, too.


Getting that real Vermont maple sap, not that Canadian corn-syrup-competition crap.


No worries, it didn’t occur to me that you were talking about the US. We were talking past one another…that happens to me fairly frequently, unfortunately!


Who does number 2 work for?


If you haven’t seen the movie*, it’s difficult to explain.

*Which, while funny, manages to insult multiple ethnicities and communities.