The Justice Department Accidentally Released the Name of Saudi Official Suspected of Helping the 9/11 Hijackers | Talking Points Memo

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It’s hard to see this as accidental.

(Full disclosure: I just read The Atlantic’s looong article about QAnon this morning.)


Saudi? It cannot be, we all know that Saddam Hussein personally drove the hijackers to the airport on one of his mobile bio-chemical warfare labs.


And I don’t want to know how many Americans actually believe this, either.


How long has Trump known this Saudi and why is he protecting him?
Did Trump know him before 9/11?
Trumptards like to smear innocent people, hit back.

We used to be able to say off-the wall, onionesque type of things for fun. Doesn’t work anymore, you joke with the most far out idea you can imagine, and a couple days later you find that a member of Congress or a high ranking public official saying the same thing.


My WAG is this person helped Kushner set up his back channel with Saudi Prince MBS, or more generally because MBS commanded Kushner to protect this person. Or even more generally, Kushner took a bribe.


Trump was all for going after Saudi Arabia on their 9/11 connections before he became president.
Since he was elected, he has done a U turn.
Acting for Bush, both Mueller and Comey wanted to keep the 28 page report regarding possible Saudi involvement in the 9/11 plot secret and hidden from the public.
Former Senator Bob Graham, the Florida Democrat who was one of the co-chairmen of the congressional 9/11 inquiry has read the report and has fought to make the 28 page report public. He thinks the public has a right to know what’s in those 28 pages.


It would seem there are at least a few true patriots in the Department of Justice. This information is long overdue, but hardly surprising. Bush/Cheney covered up the real funders of the 9/11 terrorists and used Saddam Hussein as an excuse to invade Iran. None of this is news, only the fact that it’s taken 19 years to reveal it.


The current DOJ is a criminal enterprise, so nothing they say about anything can be taken at face value. For all we know, Trump is accepting Saudi bribes to keep this information secret and the DOJ is abetting him.


This story and the names alone are way too confusing for the American public. Much easier to just make shit up about Obama. What is the over/under on when the indictments start getting handed down? September?

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One way to curb this nonsense is to stop mainlining Saudi oil, stop burning fossil fuels and invest heavily in renewables.

If we weren’t addicted to Saudi oil they’d still be herding goats.


It seems unsurprising that a Wahhabist would help out a couple of fellow Wahhabists without knowing anything about their plans. Doing the jihadi thing in Afghanistan was, all too insanely, something to be proud of for a young Saudi ca. 1980-2001. And for a good number of them, even beyond that.

Here’s to hoping the world finds a way to ostracize their foul regime.


They redacted his name everywhere except one place where they referred to him by his last name only, and this entire administration is run by incompetent hacks, so it’s pretty easy to see it as accidental.


Yes–you got me there.

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The hijackers sent their residual funds back to AQ via ATM.

The Saudis refused to investigate after that citing bullshit sovereignty. Some allies.