Back in May, while explaining his rationale for voting in favor of the independent January 6 commission, he expressed concern that the alternative would be far worse for his party.
And since the eight appointees Pelosi chose constitute a quorum, Qevin’s dithering about who to recommend for the GQP spots isn’t even slowing down the select committee’s work.
They’ve already had their first meeting.
My title for the report: How the Republican Party Devolved into a Destructive and Unpatriotic Proto-Fascist Organization and its Ongoing Harm to America.
The New York Times 40 minute video on the Insurrection is eye opening. It is trump all the way. He is a traitor to the Constitution and a disgrace to the Presidential Office. Prisons are for people like him.
You don’t necessarily expect great judgment from McCarthy, but McConnell’s decision to assist in throwing the Democrats into the briar patch counts as a major blunder of the sort that you don’t often expect to see from him.
Not only is this version of the committee much more likely to get down to the truth of the uprising, but the wound will continue bleeding like a hemophiliac on blood thinners until the Dems decide that the investigation is finished (or the R’s take the House).
By rejecting the independent commission — a move led by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) — Republicans tossed away their best chance to exert some control over the course of the investigation.
At this point, that’s irrelevant. The Insurrection HAS to be investigated. The “we the people” Republicans like to quote demand it. IT’S OUR MONEY.
Kevin McCarthy is a dithering idiot who has consistently shot himself in his own foot to the detriment of the Repubs. Why they have him as a leader escapes me, but he is a sycophant, so there’s that…
whimpering cowards - did not have the character or integrity to stand up and look in the mirror.
every time one of them makes a clear and factual statement about January 6th - they should be given credit for being objective
every time they screech out a baseless lie to distract and obstruct - they should get a Louisville Slugger home-run swat to the head.
They have been F’ing around long enough - now it is “Find Out” time . Some need to pay with their careers … some with years of incarceration - and that is not hyperbole - if any materially aided in the staging & execution of the January 6th insurrection - they should do time - and barred from ever holding office .