The Highlights And Lowlights (Only Lowlights, Really) Of That First Debate

Originally published at: The Highlights And Lowlights (Only Lowlights, Really) Of That First Debate - TPM – Talking Points Memo

There are just over four months to Election Day and, as the expectation-setters did not tire of telling us, this was our first time seeing Donald Trump and Joe Biden side by side since 2020. And hoo boy.  If you did not watch it yourself, congratulations. Here are some elements that stood out to us. …

I wasn’t watching but was hoping for a realtime rundown here in the hive. What happened with the website was very disappointing. Cat.


What a relief, I didn’t watch it. The mere idea of his mouth moving makes me ill.


Yes, President Biden was not on his A-game last night.

I was astounded at the Joy Reid and Nicole Wallace reaction. Reid obviously doesn’t “like” Biden at all and wants a replacement candidate. It was “Dems in Disarray” with Reid and Wallace until Lawrence O’Donnell made some very astute points to paint the picture of Convict Donald Trump and his upcoming sentencing on July 11th.

America has a choice this November. Yes, old, Joe Biden; or Madman Donald Trump.

As Gavin Newsome said last night, “We need to have Joe Biden’s back.”


Trump’s “dodge” on accepting the election. Seriously, do we not yet know how to translate Trump-ese? It’s not a dodge folks. It’s how Trump says “I will accept the results of this election if and only if I win it.”

When Ralph Kramden got mad at Alice he didn’t say “I’m mad at you, Alice.” He said, “You’re gonna go to the moon!” It meant “I’m mad at you, Alice.” Everybody knew that. How is it that we can’t collectively say that Trump was saying “No, I absolutely will not accept the results of the election if Biden wins it, in fact I will try again violently to overthrow the government”?


If one was going to be a disaster, better the first one. John Kerry had a pretty good debate performance the first time up, and did not matter at all.

Yes people generally forget that quickly.


Just seeing Joe walk to the stage, I said “oh, oh”.

I was nearly in tears.


This was my anodyne.

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