The Great Equalizer

“Exceptionally high stakes”, huh? Would you care to elaborate? What stakes would that be and if it’s that dire, why have you failed so miserably in explaining that to the public?

Biden should do what’s best for his campaign. If that means no debate, then no debate it is. He’s not going to lose any votes, no matter what some fool in a diner might say, by saying no to Trump and the media. A media whose main interests appear to be ratings and profits, not to elucidate or educate.


Fun Fact: The gold leaf used in that dress came from the dental fillings of 5,000 Ukrainian orphans.


No debates, unless Donnie is in a sound-proof booth and the mic is only activated when it’s his turn to speak. To emphasize the difference, Biden can be behind a normal podium.


Calling incoherence 'incoherence would be a good start; but, I can’t get away from an image our media figures huddled together, like a conclave of mid-1970s Sinologists or Kremlinologists, trying to read the sense in Donnie’s disjointed mangling of our common language in what passes for the expression of his ideas.
Ya know, so they won’t evidence bias against the pitiful and victimized ‘conservatives.’
After all, interpreting the words, expressions and ice cream choices of Joe Biden is such a cottage industry in this country.


He loomed over and harassed Hillary during the 2016 debates and babbled absolute nonsense and non-sequiturs. In 2020, he tried to give Biden covid and talked over him all the while talking nonsense and bullshit. Trump has nothing. of. value. to. offer. There’s no policy, no nuance, no illumination. There is only Trump’s id! The news media knows this! Their motivation is not civic education, it is pure spectacle.


What’s he gonna do, suffocate Trump with one?



From a design perspective, it actually makes sense because stainless steel is so hard to bend and fabricate. DeLorean at least managed a good shape from it.

This could have looked less ridiculous, but I think Musk probably had too much input on wanting it to look completely different from anything else. And since he’s never been the kind of person who actually used a pickup truck for what they’re made for, he ended up with this.


The RNC has said no Presidential debates unless they get to specify all the conditions including the moderators, so I doubt there will be one. If Trump keeps demanding debates, it means his internal polling is scaring him.


A “tree remover” ? With giant muscles and a hand held chain saw, but no helmet, bucket truck, climbing gear, etc.
I smell a rat, or maybe a not to bright arborist with delusions of grandeur? “Tree remover”. What the hell WaPo?


I will stick with my local outlet for similar reasons, I need to figure out if I can designate my donations for everything but NPR’s regular news programming. Because I might as well be giving money to CNN if I can’t.

I hate to tell you, but the rapture already happened. Almost no one qualified, including the relgionist assholes, and certainly not all the woke, liberal, irreligious types. And being one of the latter, this pisses me off. God owes us the removal of those idiots, and he just won’t do it. What a faker.

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Quanity-wise, the GOP is unmatched in reductive labels for the vast array of things it doesn’t like. Quality-wise, uniparty scrapes the last splinters at the bottom of the barrel.

No doubt those biases operate. However, they are categorically different from the (unfounded, wrong, and ignorant) bias which says Republicans are good for the economy, a bias which is opposite to reality but which it total amongst Republican types, and frightfully common amongst liberals.

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It’s tough living in a red community. Keep up the good fight!

(Re Marsha Blackburn) That hair! How many blow-dryers do you need?

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Netanyahu is not particularly popular, but escalation and broadening of the conflict in the Middle East could at least yield political gains domestically. It really depends on how craven he is. You also have an Iran and other autocracies that want to avoid increased domestic unrest. At the end of this runway is regional nuclear exchanges or dirty bombing without any guarantees as to what might be a target. Proxies could bomb other proxies or principals, principals could bomb proxies or other principals or even non-participants. In my lifetime, I’ve experienced two tense nuclear moments, the Cuban Missile Crisis and Reagan’s 1983 nuclear incident (which was full-on panic in northern Europe and most Americans slept through). This time, however, there is very little civil defense discussion in the US. Countries like Germany have only recently realized bomb shelters still have uses other than tourism. I remember getting nuclear first aid classes when I was in fourth grade, like how to clean a contaminated friend and bag all their clothing, duck and cover, the limitations of iodine tabs, and a trip to a mine converted for CD purposes to house about 500 people. Today’s advice is not to use hair conditioner after a nuclear attack.


I think you’re wrong about this.
Jimmy would certainly qualify, and he’s still with us. :cry:

Not going to argue that Trumpers are in a cult, but did they create the cult or did Donnie? For me I need the question answered: “Is the dog chasing the car, or is the car chasing the dog?”

Honestly, does it matter? The minions were looking for someone to explode their grievances into the mainstream. TIFBG picked up on it and ran with it and, I have to say, rather successfully. The dope hasn’t been out of the scope of the media for nearly ten years. It’s a good run and it will continue, unabated, for the foreseeable future.


It’s not how many hair dryers does Marsha, Marsha need, it’s that the poor woman doesn’t have a mirror.

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