During his speech Monday just before he signed a mammoth, bipartisan infrastructure package into law, President Joe Biden acknowledged that the massive achievement could actually be a vulnerability for the dozens of Republicans who supported it.
This country is pretty fucked up right now. Congress decides to spend a terabuck on structural improvements that will benefit almost all Americans, and the kultists want to hang their representatives. I suspect that given the option to spend twice as much bombing and strafing the shit out of Fanatistan, they would be all for it.
I’m stunned that one of my senators was there but my husband reminds me that Shelley and Joe have been working together on rural broadband for WV for a while now.
She aligned herself hard with TFG and is still way to the right of me but maybe I’ll bend a bit for this one.
Biden continues to play the bipartisan card and I suppose he feels he must but it seems rather forlorn at this stage. It is unlikely any Republicans attending this signing will be present for any other bill signing he might make – more likely they will be part of Republican efforts obstruct it – and there is little evidence this situation will change based on anything Biden can do. Only the electorate can make the necessary change by showing current Republican strategy no longer works and there is precious little evidence in current polling to indicate that’s going to happen never mind the outrageous levels partisan gerrymandering have reached.