The Frontrunner: Bernie Sanders Projected To Win Nevada Caucuses

2020 presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is projected to win Nevada’s Democratic caucus on Saturday night, giving his campaign another boost after his win in New Hampshire and strong showing in the unsettled Iowa caucuses.

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If Bloomberg has any political smarts, he’d use his money to dig up every possible negative thing about Bernie Sanders and make them the centerpiece of his ads. There is no way the skeletons in Bernie’s closet don’t turn into a huge turnoff for most of the voters.


Well, the fat lady might not be singing yet, but I think she’s warming up. This is arguably Sander’s third victory in a row (he effectively tied for a victory in Iowa). Like it or not, no candidate has done this well in the early primaries then gone on to lose. I’m not saying it couldn’t happen, but at this point. I’m giving Sanders about an 80% of getting the nomination.

You might not like sanders (and I’ll say here that he wasn’t my first choice either, or even close) but he’s probably our guy. I’d recommend getting behind him if he is. The alternative might very well end the human species if given another four years.


I hope he is not our nominee, but if he is, you are absolutely right, we have no choice but get behind him. I hope Bloomberg does expose him to his vulnerabilities before trump does it for us.


Outside of everyone going negative against Bernie at once, the only way to prevent Bernie from winning is for the other candidates to drop out. Bernie being the nominee is the best possible gift for Trump and the GOP is dying to have the race be between the status quo, or the socialist that’s going to raise your taxes.


If that’s going to happen, it had better happen fast. Super Tuesday is 10 days away and, whoever is ahead after that will probably be unstoppable. I really don’t think Bloomberg (or anyone else) will have time to damage anyone’s candidacy between now and then, but we’ll see.


@khyber900 will probably jump in on this, but Biden HAD to finish second.


Second, yes, but he appears to have lost by a margin of about 35%. That hardly gives him bragging rights.


Did you see the article in NYT about Sanders today? If Bloomberg doesn’t do it, NYT will do it, as they did to Hillary (emailssssss). This is depressing.

" In the early years, there was his commentary on gender relations featuring a rape fantasy, his support for the Sandinistas and his honeymoon in the Soviet Union.

Once he entered Congress, there were votes to shield gun manufacturers, a commitment to remaining uncommitted to the Democratic Party, and secret plans to mount a 2012 primary challenge against President Obama.

And more recently: the F.B.I. investigation into his family, the heart attack, the resistance to detailing the costs of his signature policy proposal, “Medicare for all.”"


Disclaimer my early guy was Pete Buttigieg. I even sent him some money but Bernie has won the first three contests. I personally hope someone wraps the nomination up quickly. A contested election would all but assure a Trump victory. My since is that the Democrats are ready to get behind the nominee whoever that is so I expect Bernie will surge even more for SC and Super Tuesday. Barring a heart attach I think Bernie has got this one.

I also expect that Barr and Co will announce some criminal investigation into Bernie or family for some reason. My guess would be his wife’s time Burlington College. I think one of Trumps reelection plans is to have the Justice dept open an investigation into his political opponent no matter who that was.


Sanders loses in a landslide. The better move is for Dems. To find a winning candidate to back. Otherwise we can watch Trump fill RBG’s seat on the Supreme Court.


Well, the true test of any politician is not what they have against him, but rather how they deal with it. We’ll see how Bernie deals with everything they throw at him in good time. For now, I’ll support whoever gets the nomination and, right now, it appears as though it will be Bernie.


When? The primaries will be over soon. Do you suggest a do over? If so, how would that work?


Still waiting for more results to come in, but it looks like I got the order right. It’s just that Bernie way over performed the polling average. Polling average was at 26%. I had him at 28%. Looks like he’s around 42% at the moment.

Biden coming in second and Amy/Warren/Steyer crashing and burning are big moments for him. It helps the consolidation process.

Pete still remains a pain in the asses of center left voters, but dude got 2% of the black vote in NV and is unlikely to do much better in SC. He will crash and burn there too.

If Joe wins SC by a clear margin, I think he’s going to be in a position to win the delegates across the South.

Bernie hit the same Latinx percentage as he did in 2016. The rest of that vote split 4 ways. Part of this is also caucus v primary. Bernie is good at caucuses. In 2016, he got over 50% of the Latinx vote in the exit polls but did not replicate that in any primary anywhere except in NM (I think). That bodes well for Joe if he can do better outreach and get more working class and older latinx voters to vote in primary settings. He has to run even with Bernie among Latinx voters in CA/TX.

Center left voters and the center left portion of the Warren coalition are still in denial about this race. It is a Biden v Bernie race. No one else will be the nominee. Neither Bloomberg, Warren, Klobuchar or Pete will do jack shit in this primary except divide the vote and hand the nomination to Bernie.

I get that each of these candidates has a loyal niche following but seriously folks, shut the fuck up with how much you love them and decide who you want to face Trump: Biden or Bernie. The choice is a little easier for me because my preferred candidate (Harris…who’d be kicking everyone’s ass right now if she had the money to continue btw) left earlier so I didn’t have a strong personal interest in who becomes the nominee. I’m looking for the candidate who will not kill us down ballot and give us a chance to win the EC and the US Senate. That’s Joe. The polls all say it. He’s vetted. Socialist Bernie is not a strong candidate because the Russians and GOP treat him with kid gloves at the moment. Once the GOP goes to town on the stuff in Bernie’s closet, he won’t look anywhere near as good and we’ll be lucky to get 200 EVs and hold the House. That’s how disastrous a Bernie candidacy would be for the Dems imho barring a recession.

So if you are a supporter of Warren, Buttigieg, Bloomberg, Steyer, Klobuchar, get off your damn high horses and face reality. Elections are about choices and the way this primary has evolved we now have a binary choice: Biden or Bernie. A vote for any of your faves is a vote for Bernie. It’s that simple.


While Sanders is not my first pick I’m ‘blue no matter who.’ If Sanders is the nominee I will accept that just as I will also have to accept Jeanine Pirro being Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s replacement on the Supreme Court. Believe me, there’s nothing I’d rather be more wrong about.


what, his arrests protesting segregation? his whole life fighting for the same thing? yea, good luck bone diggin’ bruh.


I will say this about Sanders. I’m old enough to remember the 1980 election. Quite a few moderate Republicans were terrified at the idea of Reagan getting the nomination. Carter was gleefully hoping to go against Reagan. Conventional wisdom at the time was certain that a radical, right wing dullard like Reagan would lose in a landslide. History often shows things don’t always work out the way conventional wisdom would predict.


I’ll vote for him in the general but Bernie is gonna tank the ticket. I hope his gang of fanatics are prepared for when he loses and overnight he will be the most hated man in America.


One step closer to Democratic obliteration in November.


You will end up being one of a few who actually do support him in the general. He will lose so badly it will rank up there with McGovern’s loss. And for those people who never believed what I said before about the country physically breaking apart, this will do it. No way that with four more years of a clearly disabled Rump and a totally deranged regime will any Blue States stick around to support a Federal government that, for all intents and purposes, no longer exists.

The House and the Senate will be gone.