Hours after filing for bankruptcy in a U.S. court, Bernard Madoff’s London-based financial firm sued Peter Madoff — the Ponzi schemer’s brother, and employee — for “unjust enrichment.” The company also moved to seize Peter Madoff’s assets, including a $200,000 Aston Martin car, which the company claims in court documents he purchased with company funds. This was the first action to seize the assets of Peter Madoff, who has not been charged with wrongdoing in connection to his brother’s multi-billion dollar Ponzi scheme. Filing under Chapter 15 of the bankruptcy code, Madoff Securities International said they owed up to $1.5 billion in liquid funds and assets. This is part of a larger effort to liquidate Bernard Madoff’s assets to repay victims of his massive Ponzi scheme. (Bloomberg)A detainee at Guantanamo Bay called the al Jazeera television station Tuesday while pretending to call his family, telling the news organization that U.S. guards have repeatedly tortured him. Mohammad el Gharani, a citizen of Chad who has been held at Guantanamo for seven years, said that he was beaten and tear-gassed by six soldiers every day since before President Obama was inaugurated. Gharani said the treatment continued even after he was ordered released from the prison in January, part of President Obama’s promise to release all 240 detainees from Guantanamo within the year. “Since Obama took charge he has not shown us that anything will change,” he told the Middle-Eastern news network. (Reuters)
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