He fought the law, and he lost. Faron White, a former north Alabama police officer, pleaded guilty Wednesday to stealing $60,000 from the police department where he was a sergeant, feigning his abduction, and fleeing to Las Vegas. White faked an elaborate struggle in his Alabama office to divert would-be pursuers but was found only three days later in Sin City. White, who was once named officer of the year by the Decatur Police Department, also said that a former citizen volunteer from the organized crime unit that he supervised aided his escape plan. White faces up to ten years in prison and a fine of $250,000. (Associated Press)Stephen Blake, the head of human resources for AIG Financial Products, will testify today before the Connecticut legislative committee investigating the $165 million in retention bonuses paid to AIG executives. Committee co-chairman Rep. Ryan Barry said that Blake was chosen to testify because he understands how the bonuses were structured. “Mr. Blake is someone who can peel back the layers of the onion,” he said. Connecticut lawmakers will interview other subpoenaed AIG executives in private or at a later date. (New York Times)
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