Dawn Gibbons, the first lady of Nevada, has accused Republican Governor Jim Gibbons of infidelity with two women, including a former Playboy model, in divorce papers filed recently. Mrs. Gibbons also claims that the Governor sent 860 improper text messages to an aide, Kathy Karrasch, from a state cell phone. Gibbons repaid the state $130 for the text messages but says that they were not “love notes” and that he was consulting with Karrasch on state business. In court documents, Mrs. Gibbons said that this claim “is false, and is laughable.” Gibbons has been accused of improper relations with women in the past, including Chrissy Mazzeo, a former cocktail waitress who is suing Gibbons for allegedly assaulting her in a Las Vegas parking lot. (LA Times)Stopped by state troopers for a roadside sobriety test Sunday, former New York state Republican congressmen John Sweeney refused, telling the officers he would not pass and that he was in “big trouble.” According to the police report, Sweeney who told officers he had drunk three glasses of wine at his sister’s home, also refused to take a chemical DWI test when he reached the Police Department. This is the second possible DWI incident in 17 months for Sweeney, who was once Rensselaer County’s STOP-DWI coordinator before he lost his re-election bid to Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand in 2006. Because this is Sweeney’s second DWI in such a short time, it is being treated as a felony. (timesunion.com)
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