The Daily Muck | Talking Points Memo

The Michigan-based Council of Islamic Organizations said Thursday that it asked Attorney General Eric Holder to review complaints that the FBI planted Muslims in mosques to spy on Islamic leaders and community members. Congregation members said that the FBI probes extended beyond alleged spying on Islamic leaders who allegedly supported terrorist acts; some community members were told that the FBI could resolve citizenship cases if they spied on their Mosque. An official in another Michigan Muslim organization said that as Holder revamps the Justice Department “it’s extremely necessary for him to take a serious look at this issue.” (AP)Although Rep. Peter Visclosky recently conducted a comprehensive audit of his political committees to expunge funds raised by the tainted PMA lobbying group, questions remain about the Indiana Democrat’s connection to the firm. Visclosky still has not explained the $160,000 in donations from a golf club marketing executive and a hotel sommelier, labeled on Visclosky’s FEC forms as “PMA associate” and “PMA consultant.” For years, Visclosky has steered government contracts to PMA clients and contributors. The PMA offices were raided recently by federal investigators, who are probing the firm’s connections to a number of lawmakers, including Rep. John Murtha (D-PA). (Washington Post)

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