The Daily Muck | Talking Points Memo

Former New York City Police Commissioner Bernie Kerik’s defense lawyer filed a motion in court yesterday to dismiss many of the charges against Kerik. Kerik’s lawyer said that the 16-count indictment against Kerik violates rules and is generally unfair. Kerik, who is accused of accepting bribes, tax fraud, and making false statements, is due in court in January. (Newsday) Jury selection continued yesterday for the trial of Sen. Ted Stevens (R-AK), with lawyers selecting 29 of 36 possible candidates they are required to consider before narrowing to 12. Stevens, a presence in the Senate for four decades, was indicted in July for lying about hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of gifts he had received during his tenure. Lawyers said they would conclude the process today and begin opening arguments Thursday, one day later than originally planned. (The Hill)

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