The Daily Muck | Talking Points Memo

TX 22: DeLay Ballot Issue Heads Into Appeals Court “The 5th Circuit federal appeals court in New Orleans on Monday will become the latest venue for the partisan legal battle over whether Tom DeLay — the former House majority leader who resigned from Congress under a cloud of ethics controversies June 9 — must remain on the ballot this November as the Republican nominee in Texas’ 22nd District.” (CQ, AP)The Stench of the Favor Factory “Why endure a cooling-off period when your former boss makes you a hot commodity?” the Washington Post editorial page asks this morning, sinking its teeth into the curious case of Letitia White. White, a former staffer of House Appropriations Committee Chairman Jerry Lewis (R-CA), took a pay cut that allowed her to dodge lobbying prohibitions. “Whether crimes were committed remains to be determined, but this much is clear: There’s quite an odor emanating from the favor factory.” (WPost)

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