Army Investigating Contractor Fraud Army investigators are probing up to 50 instances of fraud, conspiracy, bribery, and bid rigging on the part of private contractors hired to assist the United States’ efforts in Iraq and the war on terror. “Senior contracting officials, government employees, residents of other countries and, in some cases, U.S. military personnel have been implicated in millions of dollars of fraud allegations.” (AP)Was Reid’s Desert Deal Legit? In 2002, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) “paid $10,000 to a pension fund controlled by Clair Haycock, a Las Vegas lubricants distributor and his friend for 50 years. The payment gave the senator full control of a 160-acre parcel in Bullhead City that Reid and the pension fund had jointly owned. Reid’s price for the equivalent of 60 acres of undeveloped desert was less than one-tenth of the value the assessor placed on it at the time.
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