The Conspiracy Theories About Jewish Americans Fueling Today’s Far-Right Have Long Been A Part Of US History | Talking Points Memo

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But isnt the Evangelical right Israels biggest proponent?


Are you looking for rationality here or what?


These anti-Jewish conspiracies never go away. They lie dormant like some pestilence that surfaces every generation or so to cause suffering to all kinds of innocent persons.
if it’s not anti-Jewish, it’s anti-something else.
The Kosovan War was fed, in part, by ethnic hatred that went back decades.
Recall the “ethnic cleansing”? It used to be called “genocide”. “Ethnic cleansing” sounds like something benign.
Check out Orwell’s essay “Politics and Language”.


Going all the way back to 19th century Great Britain, evangelicals were the initiators of the British Zionist movement. The Palestine Mandate was an artifact of this political movement.


Part of the whacko interpretation of the apocalyptic verses of the Bible, believing that in order for Christ to return in all his glory in the so-called “Rapture,” the Jews need to have taken back the Holy Land (so that the Christians can then sweep through and righteously convert/kill them all).


“The Charlottesville chant is expressing centuries-old fears that Jews, in league with peoples of color, are engaged in a nefarious plot to destroy the white Christian civilization.”

Apparently, they really, really, really suck as nefarious plotters.


Maybe they’re just being out-competed.

Looking at available evidence, white Christian civilization is doing a bang-up job of destroying itself.



Replacement theory is what motivated the Tree of Life Synagogue shooter.


Yes, but part of Revelation is the prophetic plot twist where all of the secular, liberal Israelites get slaughtered in the Tribulation, leaving just 1000 gross of “righteous” ones. So, wing nut evangelicals are pro Israel in the way that carnivores are pro beef cattle, more or less.


Irrational fears such as this suggest that they need mental health services. I think that it would be a good idea to lock them up for their protection. :wink:


I think they must be the same nefarious plotters who are always planning to take Real ‘Murcans guns away. Multiple false flag operations, thousands of crisis actors hired, vast conspiracies successfully organized and—not a single gun has yet been seized!


It is a mistake to simply equate Judaism with Israel. The land now called Israel, strategically located on the Mediterranean Sea, has changed hands many times over the centuries. It’s a political football. Not all Jews support the policies of the current Israel. For evangelicals, they just stupidly think it’s where they will go after the rapture.


Logic and rationality were kicked to the curb and not included in the transfer to this bubble universe that trump dragged us all into when he descended that escalator at trump tower … proclaiming Mexicans were rapists and that he should be POTUS forthwith for life (or at least it feels that way after 5 years of his festering bullshit).


festering pool


That’s what they want you to think!

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I did not know that, but in the big bio of Churchill I learned that there was a great deal of antisemitism in England. People in power did not give a shit about Hitler’s threat to the Jews. Indeed, many wanted to appease Hitler. They may very well have prevailed but for Churchill who knew that would not be wise.

BTW: Churchill was a philosemitic, as was his father. They regarded Jews as a superior people. German-speaking Jews who fled Germany in the late 30’s played in big part in both English and American intell efforts.


Not to mention the development of the atomic bomb (Oppenheimer— US-born with German Jewish roots, Teller, Szilard, Feynman, Einstein…)


Oh jeez yes. I was thinking about those involved in listening to German communications, code breaking, etc, during the war years. Some big number of them were self-exiled late 30s from Germany.


Interesting side note: the article states that “[the cartoonist] portrayed New York as becoming, by 1900, the ‘New Jerusalem’”. Which means that there was the notion as far back as the 19th century of Jerusalem being Jewish. In fact, Jerusalem was majority Jewish by 1865, due to the legal immigration of Jews from Europe.
So although some on the anti-Zionist left would have us believe that Jerusalem is only recently Jewish (like, since 1967), this article on historical old-school antisemitism unintentionally (and ironically) provides evidence that Jerusalem was at least thought of as the Jewish homeland.


Philosemitism is just a polite version of antisemitism (see Conman, Don the). The meaning is just the same.

…in December, he told the assembled American Jews that Israel was “your country.” At the Republican Jewish Coalition’s annual gathering…he referred to (the) Israeli Prime Minister…as “your prime minister.”

*rump…was arguing that Democratic Jews were insufficiently devoted to other Jews or to Israel — that they were not strong enough dual loyalists. In other words, he criticized American Jews for not conforming to the anti-Semitic stereotype.