The 75-year-old peace activist who Buffalo police shoved to the ground, causing him to bleed from his ear, wasn’t just a “provocateur” — he was also a sophisticated hacker who attempted to “black out” police communications!
NBC News’ Ben Collins referred to the conspiracy theory’s path as a “Bad Information Centipede” — regurgitated through a series of ridiculous sources, pure speculation became presidential proclamation.
I like that analogy, except let’s just be clear that it’s actually a Human Centipede.
A veritable fountain of misinformation. Which will increase. He’s not the first (or the Last) kid who lies all the time. The problem is that children who do this are either ignored, sent away…or eventually given treatment.
It looks like Trump is adopting all the election meddling interference techniques that the Internet Research Agency perfected as a weapon against Ukraine, France, and the United States.
So it would seem that Spankys reaction to his very impressive drop in favorability on 538 and his presidential polling is to crank up the dial to max on his bat shit crazy meter. At the rate this guy is going at it I would not be surprised if he is under 40% by the end of the week.