The Billionaire Governor Who’s Been Sued Dozens of Times for Millions in Unpaid Bills | Talking Points Memo

They’re voting for “Justice”!

When I was young I worked for a landscape and lawn maintenance company that did a combination of some commercial, high end residential and then a smattering of middle class homes for people that didn’t feel like mowing their lawns in the AZ heat. Some things I observed, purely anecdotal, that shaped me and my world view.

In general, the lower income people were always the ones to offer cold drinks and who paid most promptly. The upper income people and the commercial businesses were the hardest to collect from, usually not paying until 2 or 3 months after the services were performed. And at all of those properties we drank out of the hose.

As noted, these are generalizations, and there were always exceptions to everything. But it gave me a tremendous respect for manual labor, and no one ever comes to my house to do anything without being offered a coke and getting paid on the spot. And it gave me a healthy suspicion of wealthy people’s promise to pay for anything.


Two scoops.

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A couple of years ago the Daily Progress, Charlottesville’s local paper, ran a story listing the largest unpaid real estate tax assessments for the city of Charlottesville and surrounding Albemarle County. By far the biggest amount listed was credited to one James Justice of West Virginia, the owner of a number of apartment complexes around here, on which he seemingly never pays taxes. I guess that local authorities here just let the liens pile up.


When I first met a now 30 year friend from WV, he told me he learned the 3 R’s.

Readin’, ‘Ritein’, and the Road out of there.

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He probably ran as a Dem because everyone knew that Clinton was going to win and he wanted to be on good terms with the Democrats. Once she was denied the presidency, he opportunistically switched to curry favor with Trump and the GOP. He clearly doesn’t have any principles other than “Look out for Number One.”


Aside from issues of global warming, air, water, and land pollution, this article details a most compelling argument for making coal mining, and the use of coal as fuel relics of a long gone age. By any measure, the coal industry, assaults its workers, poisons them and their families as well as the rest of the world, then tosses them out like so much garbage when they are no longer useful, all to line the pockets of the Jim Justices of this world with billions of dollars. Coal is the most obscene, inhuman, and ungodly enterprise of the modern world and it needs to be completely eliminated.

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Nice use of “huge.” :slightly_smiling_face:

You missed one, though, so I added it. :wink: