The Biggest Mystery Of January 6 Remains Unsolved

Hey, any excuse to rewatch the video of a dumb terrorist getting herself justifiably killed. But you’re far from the first person to suggest Babbitt might be the bomber, and the figure in the videos does actually code female to me.


I’m sure an organization that was devoted to law enforcement like the FBI would also be in communication with their fellow law enforcement officers in the Secret Service, as they may have had some information on their phones about this incident. No professional would overlook cell phone data from that day.

Unless it was wiped clean.


Smart phones can be turned off, implanted trackers not so much.

Are you absolutely, positively, 100% sure of that?

(Asking for Pegasus.)

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I live on the Hill too, (though at Lincoln park so pretty far from the bombs) and my favorite tidbit was the FBI going to the dog groomer near my house asking if anyone recognized the dog or owner. It’s weird to me, that as far as I know, we never heard who the dog walker was. Both of those blocks are lightly residential, so it clearly wasn’t a neighbor from close by, since everyone would have known immediately oh yeah that’s so and so and his dog. Someone on a longer walk also should have been easily identified, and the Hill is such a small town kind of place, we all would have known about it.

On Jan 6th I called DC police to report a backpack left on my block. (This was before we all started hearing that there were pipe bombs at the RNC and DNC) They came and dumped it out on the sidewalk so I could see that it contained a MAGA hat and scarf, a Gatorade and most importantly, in my mind, a flip phone. They took it away, but I never heard back from the cops asking for more info. I also reported to FBI, never heard anything more.


As I saw that the reward for information is $490,000 (and presumably has been all along), and they seem to be having difficulty getting anywhere, I thought, you need to double that reward. Or triple it. There are definitely people out there who know who that was. Their greed is not being called to loudly enough yet. Given the gravity of the crime, what’s wrong with $1.5 mil? Even 2 if 1.5 doesn’t work. Seems fine to me.

Just as a footnote, the guy who recently got caught bringing guns into the Trump event has strong connections with Raiklin, and thus Flynn. All in the family, I guess.

ETA: Raiklin is the “Secretary of Retribution” wretch (see link).

As to whether it was Raiklin, I remain agnostic, but think immediate size/height comparisons from photos would be called for (and would probably rule him out). There’s a video podcast that the two of them (R and the gun guy) are on. – Oh, here it is. Embedded in this (first link I found). I’d say Raiklin’s too big, just offhand.

All the neighbors in the article rewatched the footage a million times, and they also feel sure of that.

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The folks on megaphones exhorting and directing the rioters seemed to be acting on a plan.