The 3 Worst Aspects Of Aileen Cannon’s Latest Shenanigan

A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version.

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Just a mistake, so all’s good

Israel Takes Responsibility. Who Else Does? - WSJ
“Breaking News,” bleated my iPhone Tuesday morning with an alert from the Journal. “Israel has taken responsibility for a strike that has killed seven World Central Kitchen aid workers in Gaza. Benjamin Netanyahu said it was unintentional.”

War is hell. Everyone knows that. Bullets don’t discriminate. No bomb is smarter than the person who dispatches it. When the skies are full of lead, accidents are bound to happen, and when they do, political spinmeisters step forward to deny, deflect, delay and distract.

Not here. Israel has taken responsibility. What a concept.

Not so Israel, a nation that stands for life, for hope, for freedom. Israel desires peace and has offered it to the Palestinians repeatedly, who always refuse. The offer stands.

Israel is engaged now, as always, in a fight for survival. Often lied about, Israel nevertheless respects the rules of war. It fights with precision and restrains its soldiers to protect the innocent. It provides food and aid to its enemy. It owns up to its mistakes.


Coming soon to a Trump administration near you: mass roundups, beatings, and torture, following the template of Russia:


More Please
John Eastman responds to disbarment call, says he’s been subpoenaed by Capitol Police officers (
Eastman said in an interview on conservative network Frank Speech on Thursday that “there’s a lot of water to go under the bridge yet” before the state Supreme Court hears his case.

“If the law was faithfully followed, this case should have never been brought in the first place,” he said.

“We had a disagreement on the facts of the 2020 election. We had a disagreement on the constitutional interpretation on issues that have never been settled,” Eastman continued. “That has never been the basis of disciplinary action.”

In the interview Thursday, he argued the disbarment is political in nature and “aimed at destroying our adversarial system of justice.”

He also said he has been subpoenaed as part of a civil suit brought by a group of Capitol Police officers against Trump. The officers claim Trump is responsible for Jan. 6, and they hope to elicit financial penalties for the violence they suffered in the riots.

“I just got a subpoena served on us last week by the Capitol Police officers seeking everything, all of my communications with the president and anybody else,” he said. “They’ve completely blown through attorney-client privilege.”


I’m No Saul Goodman!

Right. Saul is not a pathetic, chinless idiot.


WSJ op-eds read like a parody from The Onion.


No, you kinda blew that when you knowingly provided bogus legal advice to perpetuate criminal acts.



Well, he’s a turd, but he’s also a blossom.


What a load of crap! Israel has engaged in war crimes so egregious that the whole world is calling them out. It’s almost as if they had a list of what’s verboten and are checking off the items as they get to them - all while hiding behind their “victims of the Holocaust” mantle. The WSJ is a useless right-wing rag.



Hey, kinda OT, but you know what kinda person thinks cocaine is a “performance enhancing drug”?

A demented, addle-brained coke addict.

Just sayin’.


Even blind pigs and all that…


RFK Jr. disavows fundraising email boosting ‘J6 activists’

‘“[That] statement was an error that does not reflect Mr. Kennedy’s views. It was inserted by a new marketing contractor and slipped through the normal approval process,” campaign press secretary Stefanie Spear said in a statement.’

“Marketing contractor” = the Wagner Group.

“The normal approval process” = RFK Jr.'s 'roid rages.


Bidens fault
Earliest look at hurricane season is calling for more storms than it’s ever predicted | CNN


The 2024 Atlantic hurricane season isn’t here yet, but is already shaping up to be one for the books, with more hurricanes and named storms predicted in a pre-season forecast from Colorado State University than ever before.

This June through November could see 23 named storms in all, including 11 hurricanes and five Category 3 or higher “major” hurricanes, according to the university’s Atlantic hurricane season forecast, released Thursday.

“This is the most active April forecast that we have ever issued,” lead forecaster Phil Klotzbach told CNN. “Our prior highest hurricane forecast in April was 9 hurricanes, which we have called for several times” since the forecasts began in 1995.


“Palestinians…refuse…the offer”

Israel’s bad faith offers of peace for the Palestinians are the same as the British Parliament’s offers of limited autonomy to the Colonies.
The Colonies refused that sham and we should expect no less from the Palestinians.


From the moral scumbag who brought us Trumpism.


Anything that helps the average citizen or redounds to the benefit of a Democratic administration is a problem. Just sayin’.


[quote=“southerndem, post:4, topic:249542”]
just got a subpoena served on us last week by the Capitol Police officers seeking everything, all of my communications with the president and anybody else,” he said. “They’ve completely blown through attorney-client privilege.”
[/quote] - Eastman

Gee, I wonder why?


Bad news for Biden!


I want to see ads featuring January 6, with the rioters smashing the windows of the Capitol, smearing shit on the walls, smugly sitting in Pelosi’s office, etc. I know the cultists will dismiss them as “fake news” and “AI created,” but I still think the real video is shocking enough to make some people think twice about voting for orange guy (or any Republican).

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