A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1466463
A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. Sign up for the email version.
This is Trisha the fur baby who traveled from Kyiv to Radom, Poland. Her humans have owned her for two years now. She has new digs in Radom, which has a couch and a balcony. According to Trisha, she owns them.
As to the video of Roger Stone, I’m not surprised. Roger started with Nixon, and he has his handy bag of dirty tricks. I think I have been waiting for the law to catch up to him.
At least The Guardian’s subhead description is accurate (extremist) even if the subject is odious.
False Flag!
Cancel Culture is out of control!
What about Hunter Biden!?!
Do you know how many people “Killary” has killed?
Satan Worshippers! Adrenochrome! Baby’s blood!
Honestly, how DUMB are TFG’s moronic minions? Have they not heard of caller ID? Drunk dialing a judge and threatening her will NOT get you leniency.
Come on, some news organization has to go with the obvious headline:
We have Georgia on our Minds.
This judge, other judges, courthouses themselves are at risk.
This is what I worry about.
Not-so-spontaneous combustion.
Read about this at Political Wire. You can imagine what fun the commenters had with “floats.”
OT, sort of:
In a shocking development, Trump’s legal team is trying to prevent the American Public from finding out the troof about the stolen Georgia Election!
I bet none of y’all saw that coming.
Florida, anyone?
I wonder what news she was watching that got her so riled up.
Fact #3 was interesting -
3. Abigail Shry’s Father Testified During Her Detention Hearing That She Is a ‘Non-Violent Alcoholic’ Who ‘Sits on Her Couch Daily Watching the News While Drinking Too Many Beers’
And during this address, he’ll also release his health care plan, and he’ll announce it’s Infrastructure Week again!
And we thought Sarah Palin was bad!!! Good God Almighty, Dude, what’s happened to my country??
TFG will once again pull out his smocking gun . . .
Threats of violence (and actual violence) against politicians and other public figures will become more normalized as the years pass. White people and Republicans will increasingly find themselves marginalized and suffer shrinking political clout. Unable to claw it back through the ballot and other legal means they’ll lash out in frustration. And their anger will manifest itself in violence.
Doctors delight in working with their unborn patients — and experience an aesthetic injury when they are aborted.
Can someone explain to me WTF an “aesthetic injury” is?
What’s troubling is that she could definitely win under the right circumstances. Of course you could say that for any political race, but in GA, the “right circumstances” are still more common than I’d like.
Down to my last beer here, haven’t called any politicians yet.
maybe I need more beer.