No cancel culture or censorship to see here! Just a state official bragging about having a book event cancelled because the work in question challenged his beliefs about history.
I know, I know, we shouldn’t judge by appearances, but I can’t ‘cancel’ the appearance of Patrick as a thrice-warmed-over piece of shoe leather. Most of these Conservative dullards look the same: stupid and passionless.
…because history is important? Because what history gets taught helps define a people? Because censoring that history is never step one in creating an open democracy?
Typical of the morons who run for office all over the US – school board, county govnt, state legislature, congress. Wonder we ever get anybody with any sense.
Well, okay, maybe a little censorship: Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick ® on Friday openly bragged about ordering the cancellation of a book talk at a state history museum.
Unsurprising for a former radio shock jock who spent much of his adult life in rehab, before discovering red meat politics. Like Abbot, a Civil War reenactor in constant search of a culture war to run towards, and away from catastrophic state management of COVID and the power grid.
As I fly to DC as I write this and my spouse sits next to me reading FORGET THE ALAMO I am struck with the persistent feeling the Rs are constantly showing how afraid they are of losing power and wondering how many desperate acts they will do to hang on.
“As a public institution, the Bullock Museum owes the people of Texas an immediate explanation for the decision to cancel the talk, and a guarantee that it remains committed to presenting a wide range of views and speakers—without subjecting them to an ideological litmus test.”
And an apology.
Texas is funny. I came back to the state when I began high school. We had a Texas History segment that was what you would expect for Texas and completely forgettable. No slavery mentioned. Texas’ involvement in the Civil War was pretty much sanitized as a whole.
I would bet a fair number of Texans in my age group are or were completely unaware that Slavery was even an option in this state. Despite siding with the confederacy. I can’t remember when it started being recognized and when I understood it occurred. I do have a friend, her family is large and deep in Texas history. She lived here all her life and she was not aware that her family were slave holders at one point until her husband unburied that fact while doing genealogical work on the family. She was stunned.
Paxton is just trying to keep up the proud tradition of white washing our history and making us all feel soooo good about being Texas.