Neither of us are capable of proving a negative.
But just for the sake of argument, how would you rectify that…assuming it’s true.
It occurs to me that the “well-regulated militia” clause could be interpreted to justify legislation making the external penis fetishists appear for military training each and every weekend as the price for maintaining their arms caches.
Is there a rule here on the forum that every time someone posts problems with an idea, it’s required to post other solutions? Paralysis is not the answer and I’m not suggesting that. I’ve posted what I think might work many times, but just for reference here it is again.
Tighten up both the red flag laws and the enforcement of them. Fund buy-back programs of AR-style weapons where it might make a difference, and do what we can to ban them if we can ever get enough control of Congress (yeah, I know the definition problem). Start at the state level if it can’t be done nationally.
Also figure out how to restrict 3D-printing of gun parts, and do it before the technology moves from plastic to printing metal on the consumer level. This one will be tough, but it’s important.
The rest depends on getting more Dem control of local and state elections so we can roll back open carry laws and other concessions to the ammosexual crowd. That’s a very long-term project but it’s something we can work on.
I like “The Texas Two Step”.
1.Require all guns be registered.
2. Let me sue anyone for 10k who I catch with an unregistered gun.
Great in theory, but again, how will you find the current gun owners and force them to register? There is no Federal registration database of gun owners. The R’s made sure to pass a law that prevents the ATF from using its database of gun purchases that way, and TX sure as hell isn’t going to set up its own gun registration program for current owners.
With you on the registration, but vigilante standing is plainly unconstitutional.
All good ideas but your previous response was with regard to identifying and registering the guns that are already out there and requiring proof of license and insurance to buy ammunition or shoot at a gun range would do that for the people that choose do those things. It would not catch the folks that make their own bullets and shoot out back of the barn, but no one thing will catch everyone. The idea is to start reducing the god-awful number of guns out there.
That’s assuming that nothing changes…everything remains static.
That’s not how the 'verse works.
It works the opposite of that.
I agree in as much as it’s not feasible “right now”.
Things happen through the process of knowledge, volition and action.
I think we’re halfway along on that process.
Reasonable people accept the World as it is.
Unreasonable people don’t accept the World as it is. All human progress is the result of unreasonable people.
Perhaps I should have included an /s.
Of course that’s true. But is a “reward leading to the arrest, prosecution and conviction” also unconstitutional? It’s the same conclusion and the state collects the 10K for you.
“for the people that choose to do those things” is carrying an awful lot of weight there. If it’s strictly voluntary to get a license and insurance, then many people will simply not bother. How many would get a driver’s license if it wasn’t required?
If there is any penalty attached to not having a license and insurance for gun ownership then it’s going to be struck down by the SCOTUS on 2a grounds. Even voluntary licensing might not pass muster.
SCOTUS might and they might not overturn such legislation. If they don’t that’s great but if they do we’re closer to getting rid of a SCOTUS that is not in tune with popular sentiment.
Pass it and let SCOTUS wear the albatross if the overturn it.
No. A reward for a prosecution brought by the state is quite different from a civil lawsuit brought by an individual who otherwise has no cognizable injury.
That’s what I thought. Thanks.
OT—Mike Pence has declined his invitation to speak at CPAC.
Won’t help him be preznit, but it’s interesting nonetheless.
CPAC always does a straw poll for President. He’s worried about coming in last, so not bothering to show up is a way to deflect that. Also Mother doesn’t want him hanging out with MTG, Boebert, Haley, all those loose women who will be there.
Mike Pence has declined his invitation to be ritually abased by the MAGA cult.
Well does Pence feel threatened by being alone with Schlapp?
I wonder what level of “kill Mike” chatter is being shared with his security detail?
Pence’s Secret Service detail expired a year and a half ago. He’s on his own now.
“Some want more gun laws, but too many local officials won’t even enforce the gun laws that are already on the books,” the governor said during his annual State of the State address.
Abbott’s comments imply an intentional lack of enforcement, not an inability to enforce the law. An inability to enforce the law requires more funding or a different approach. Refusal to enforce the law requires removal from office or other public employment, and prosecution where appropriate.