Texas Governor Says Most Gun Crimes Involve Illegally Owned Weapons. That’s Not True For Mass Shootings.

This article was originally published at ProPublica, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://talkingpointsmemo.com/?p=1449115

New study finds tragic factor contributing to thousands of gun deaths nationwide (msn.com)
As temperatures across the country soar and unseasonably warm days continue, the number of gun deaths across the country has gone up.

Nearly 8,000 gun shootings can be attributed to extreme temperatures, according to research published by JAMA Network.

The study analyzed 100 major U.S. cities with the highest proportion of gun violence between 2015 and 2020. It found that out of 116 ,511 shootings, roughly 6.85% (or 7,973) were attributable to above-average temperatures.


Wow, it’s not like the info isn’t out there. What this means is politicians have no guts to stand up to the NRA, stand up to the “guns everywhere, all the time” folks.
I do really appreciate that article points out that if a crime is committed by someone who obtained their firearm illegally that 10 year minimum isn’t going to do much since most mass shooters are killed.


Riddle me this. What if there were governors and legislative bodies that passed laws to minimize illegal guns falling into the wrong hands?


“Some want more gun laws, but too many local officials won’t even enforce the gun laws that are already on the books,” the governor said during his annual State of the State address.

This is correct. A couple of weeks ago, NPR had a story about California’s enforcement of its gun laws; police followed some people who had bought guns that’d be illegal to have in CA at a gun show just over the state line in Nevada, but had to wait to pull them over because their route passed through a few counties whose sheriffs refuse to enforce state gun laws.

So, then, this leads me to ask that if even Abbott has identified non-enforcement as a problem that apparently needs addressing, what are states willing and able to do about that? Counties receive funding from the state . . .


This is a perfect example of folks pushing an agenda using a cherry-picked subset of the data.

The above is not the same dataset as the below:


“A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state,…”

This is NOT a riddle! I still don’t see it!!


“Yeah man, the sewage line’s backed up, the toilet’s overflowing and there’s shit all over my house.”

“So, you gonna call Water and Sewer?

“Nah! Just thought I’d point that out.”


“Some want more gun laws, but too many local officials won’t even enforce the gun laws that are already on the books,”

Oh, you mean like those “Constitutional Sheriff” whackadoodles? Are you denouncing them, Guv?

. . .

Didn’t think so.


The most horrific part of the Uvalde massacre was that the 223 round was designed to wound with a single shot. Wounded soldiers require more care than dead ones.

The children were shot so often that they were unrecognizable to all requiring DNA to identify them.


Seems to me an argument for more control not less.


Gun ownership should require license, registration and insurance. Just like vehicles.
A written test would be good too.
Starting with “name the well regulated militia that you belong to”.


The solution to everyday gun violence is to simply add a mandatory 25 year prison sentence for any instance where a firearm is used in the commission of a crime. Make it a non-plea agreement eligible crime that must be prosecuted. If the threat of a 25 year sentence doesn’t reduce gun violence, at least we get a dangerous percentage of the violent criminals off the street.

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What about abused wives, girlfriends that shoot their tormentor?


Without providing a source or clear data, he then asserted that “most gun crimes are committed by criminals who possess guns illegally.”

Even if we granted this point, there are too many gun crimes with legal guns, and also too many gun crimes with illegal guns. The fact is that more men commit murder than women, but you can’t cite that disparity as an argument for legalizing murder.

That’s the rhetorical work Abbott’s assertion is doing: we don’t need more gun laws because enforcement is enough. But it doesn’t make sense — we need to address both categories because both are bad.


I would add “drilling at the Village Green every single Saturday.”


You find it acceptable that one person who is wrongly denied their right to fire power is not a national emergency? A travesty of the utmost importance?
Maybe you take another walk about to get your perspective corrected. s/


I agree but vehicles are not specifically mentioned in the constitution.
How about making it as difficult to acquire a gun as it is to vote in any particular state.

Also agree, but the gun fanatics would immediately liken it to literacy test to vote.


Did you forget the poor defenseless ceiling when they are subjected to a warning shot?