Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) retroactively defanged his own stay-at-home orders Thursday just before the state Supreme Court freed a Dallas salon owner who had been held in contempt of court and sentenced to a week in jail for defying them.
“Criminals shouldn’t be released to prevent COVID-19 just to put business owners in their place.“
Yeah, we don’t want want a bunch of criminals admonishing business owners and shaking their fingers at them. At least have them steal some PPE for FEMA.
So they’ve set the precedent that rich white blond suburbanites can openly and mockingly ignore a judge’s orders with zero punishment. Rule of law is going to be interesting in Texas going forward.
She wasn’t jailed for defying Abbott’s shutdown order. She was jailed – quite rightly – for brazenly violating Judge Eric Moye’s temporary restraining order. If she didn’t like that ruling, she should have appealed it. Instead, she went to a MAGA rally to declare her martyrdom and willingness to go to jail for the principle of it. Judge Moye granted her wish. With any luck, she may have picked up a case of the 'rona during her three days in jail.
So, the populace is now on notice they’re free to ignore warnings issued to deal with emergencies. If they have the money to pay a fine they’re exempt from any attempt by the government to protect citizens.
“Incoming aerial bombardment by a foreign invader! Everyone douse all your lights, we’re ordering a complete blackout to deny them help in targeting our cities!!”
“Nah, I’m keeping all my lights on. Here’s $50 for the fine. Now go away.”
If by rugged individualism you mean the right to have the state protect you from the consequences of your actions whenever you don’t like those consequences.
I see you’re assuming the casting and counting of ballots by Blues will be accorded the same fairness experienced by Reds casting and counting their votes?
I think the GOP has already held the election, and is peeved they have to wait until election night to release the tallies. Certainly at least five SCOTUS Justices are at work on their ruling everyone should just shut up and accept the results, how bad can four more years of this be anyway?