This article was originally published in ProPublica, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative newsroom. Sign up for The Big Story newsletter to receive stories like this one in your inbox.
I sincerely hope every Texan who suffered like this on Abbott’s watch appears in ads for his D opponent in the next election. This level of dereliction of duty should have consequences.
In the original article, they didn’t name the woman either. But they did have an embedded link that most likely did: (The link is to the lawsuit paperwork.)
One woman said she was diagnosed with a fairly minor case of COVID-19 in early February. But after more than two days in her frigid Houston home without power or heat, she said, her symptoms became severe.
There was a story here about a man who was on a breathing machine and had to plug into his car to keep it going and his wife was frantic. She called the local news and they played the recording and it was so heartbreaking.
People should not have gone through this shit in a first world country - this was 3d world shit and so is the dropping of all COVID restrictions. Brazil without the beaches or the fabulous bums.
ThEy shouLdve puLLed themselVes up bY theiR bootstrapS and made theiR oWn oxygen. MAYbe theY shouLd of thoughT of thaT before ThEy got Covid. WhiCh is fake in any eveNt.
So bizarre. I didn’t know until just a a few minutes ago that Abbott was in a wheel chair. Googled to find out why and get a brief explanation and learn of him suing and getting millions in a law suit over it. And yet he seems to be still trying to get more money and causing others to suffer as much and more than he has doing it. What a crazy fucked up world full of crazy fucked up people!