The three need to run for election and need to be overwhelmingly voted back into the legislature.
POWER CORRUPTS, ABSOLUTE POWER CORRUPTS ABSOLUTELY: The artificial Republican majority in Tennessee, the product of partisan gerrymandering, exemplifies the adage.
Gerrymandering is corruption allowed by this right wing Supreme Court.
Now will Democrats finally finally FINALLY realize that we are in an existential struggle. There can be no compromise with these traitors. No reasoning. No pleading or begging or acquiescence will sate them. We need to break out the heavy arms NOW.
The man did his job as he should. I admire that. It’s the goobers in the TN legislsture who should be ashamed. They have abandoned the kids in their state. It is ok by them if kids are slaughtered
Tennessee GOP Inherit the dim.
What happened to the Tennessee that produced collegial senators like the Al Gore senior and junior as well as Howard Baker? It’s as if three decades of wingnut talk radio and Fox News has reduced its legislative body to this level.
Does anyone still harbor the ridiculous fantasy that statehouses like this fucking barnyard of morons in Tennessee would overturn the vote in a heartbeat if a Democratic candidate for president ever won there? Anyone? You’re deluded fools if you do. Idaho, Tennessee, Texas, Florida are all marching in goose step toward a Christo-fascist dictatorship and you all think this is business as usual. Fuck’s sake, wake the fuck up already.
WaPo almost immediately closed comments on this “breaking story”. Wonder if this had anything to do with that decision
People don’t really live in states like MS…AR…FL…they exist there.
I hafta ask. What is wrong with preventing gun violence? There are already more guns in America than people. An AR is only good for killing people
@sniffit posted this on another thread and it is worth a listen.
What I see is one or more future U.S. Congressmen, and Godzilla willing, future U.S. Senators from the ‘great’ state of Tennessee.
Sorry to ask the obvious, but…what stops them from stopping after these 3? Why couldn’t they just keep the expulsion train going and rid themselves of all the Dems? Crooked? Yup. Insane? Yup. But why do they give a shit? A bad publicity hit is going to happen whether they toss 3 or 30 Dems, so why stop?
I suppose it depends on how one got to Memphis
If anyone knows about bringing "dishonor to the House of Representatives through their individual and collective actions” it’s Tennessee Rethugliklans.
At this point i can say there is at least one state legislature worse than Arizona.
Having lived in N’ville for a few years, I can hear the word “uppity” reminding this young man of his place heritage-wise. Good trouble continues to be an agenda item for Tennessee citizenry who wish to escape 18th and 19th Century customs. Notice how I managed to say all that without using the R word.
This would never happen to George Santos.
For the right there are nothing more than pedophile woke libruls and n… to boot, trying to take away rights away from true Americans. Those in the center are busy watching tik-tok videos and didn’t even noticed.
We are watching the death of democracy in this ghastly Republican display in Tennessee.