The Tennessee Republican Party’s executive committee voted to kick House candidate and ex-Trump administration State Department spokesperson Morgan Ortagus off the primary ballot on Tuesday.
Snookums looks a bit put out that the Goopers aren’t falling all over themselves to anoint her their Congress Creature. Poor baby. Maybe she can get her old job at the beauty parlour back, because she’s definitely a beaut!
Kinda helps to actually live in the district yer gonna be representing. Isn’t there a rule or law about that or is it just an ethics thing that a GOPer would ignore anyway?
There must be more to this story. Who paid for her move to Tennessee? What was she doing in Tennessee…did she have a job? What’s the source of her funds to buy a house there, if she bought a house there? Etc.
Also, I expect this bill will get shot down. It’s very settled law that only the US constitution may define the eligibility requirements for federal office.
passed a bill requiring primary candidates to have lived in Tennessee for at least three years in order to qualify.
Well, you’d kinda think that a Senator from Iowa, who ran for office on her farming background, and sits on the freaking ag committee, but couldn’t answer basic questions about Iowa farming economics, wouldn’t get re-elected, either.
But the brains of so many voters have been seriously infested with FOXitis.
Ortagus said in a statement after the vote on Tuesday that she was “disappointed that the party insiders at the Tennessee Republican Party do not seem to share” her “commitment to President Trump’s America First policies.”
If Trump is smart, he will now threaten to give his endorsement to a Democrat. In fact, you would think that Trump would endorse all the ‘shoe in’ Democrats in the primaries, just to have some fun.
Remarkably, that is not a requirement. This country has always relied on reasonably honest people to run for office, and never needed laws to force them to behave in an ethical manner.
Then came the Rethug Party. They do not obey laws even if they are in place… and ethics???
they do not even know what ethical behavior is.
Very different from my dad’s republican party. He pounded honesty and ethical behavior into me from an early age by example mostly. Very different than today’s goobers…
this is because early on, there were a number of instances where states would divide into fewer districts (and thereby have multimember districts) than the seats they were allocated. I believe a few states even did at large house elections.
My parents were Republicans also, and it was the same at my house. Being honest and treating people fairly was always first and foremost.
This crowd really did crawl right out of a sewer.
McCarthy got popped in a lie yesterday
Now it is MTG’s turn to get caught in multiple lies or memory holes
This is getting to be the new normal among the goober set.