As he tells it now, Bill Stepien saw Trump campaign staffers begin to sort themselves in the days following the 2020 election. There was “Team Normal” — in touch with the reality that Trump’s path to winning the election was increasingly slim, and then impossible.
“I made it clear I did not agree with the idea of saying the election was stolen and putting out this stuff which I told the president was bullshit,” Barr said. “I didn’t want to be a part of it. That’s one of the reasons that went into my deciding to leave when I did.”
The real problem is that “Team Normal” didn’t speak up or try to do anything to stop the Big Lie from spreading, before or after Jan 6th. They had a duty to protect the nation and they reneged on it and protected Trump instead. And, that’s allowed the lies to fester, so people will no longer believe the facts of what actually happened. They made the nation worse by their inaction, possibly hoping they could hold onto power while keeping their hands “clean” by not participating in the bad stuff.
Barr wants to spin himself into the hero, but a real hero would have stood in front of the press, declared there was no fraud, and resigned due to the efforts of the Trump administration to lie to the nation about the election. Maybe it wouldn’t have stopped Jan 6th, but enough people doing that would have sowed enough doubt about Trump’s lies that there would be little doubt about what happened in the election today.
Listening to this hearing on NPR what I got out of the Pak testimony was that he wouldn’t carry the lie in GA for Trump. Pak said that in Fulton county instead of votes being tallied in precinct, all votes are counted at a central location-which is what happens in my county and… so SOP. And the video clip that Team Rudy tried to use was easily explained if they had showed the full clip.
Someone who knows Latin should create the Trump motto: Trump can’t fail, only be failed.
There is ONE reason that the Anti-Coup Trumpers behaved like they did: the fanaticism of Donald Trump, who does not accept any control he is capable of resisting.
Although Barr comes off as nonchalant and dismissive in his description of Trump’s resistance to reality, it must have been eye-opening to have been exposed to that form of madness.
Part of me despises Barr for his duplicity and dishonesty…but I have never worked for a sociopath, especially as someone with the awesome responsibility of A.G.