The woman who was arrested after allegedly attempting to burn down Martin Luther King Jr.’s childhood home appears to have posted about the imprisoned leader of a controversial conspiracy-fueled Black supremacist sect in the hours leading up to the incident.
What a vast strange land with so many dreams and nightmares haunting our villages and neighborhoods. Trump and his cult fit easily into an intricate crazy quilt of ‘free thinking’ Americans.
Having PTSD is not a get-out-of-jail-free card. If it made her so delusional that she attempted this crime, that’s a good legal argument for an insanity or diminished capacity defense, and it probably just warrants some sort of diversionary treatment. If the reason she did it instead is that, while suffering with PTSD, she went down a conspiracy theory/cult rabbit trail that led her to conclude she needed to burn down the home, that’s on her.
York is barking mad, and this pitiful Henderson creature is obviously off her rocker also. The question is: How much her craziness was engendered by reading and following the bilge coming out of Yorks crazed mind? When was she reading this stuff? Or was she already nuts? When did he go to prison? Is he still putting out this nutty stuff now while he is incarcerated?
Words and insane ideas affect people whose minds are only minimally active and connected to reality. The followers of DJT are perfect examples
It’s always comforting to me that no matter how crazy I am, there’s always someone out there who is crazier. Her knight in shining armor is in for 135 years, for what seems to be some pretty heinous crimes, and some of her fellow travelers are hoping Trump will pardon him? You can’t make this shit up! Only in America! God save the Republic.
Also, she was in the Navy. Usually the only naval PTSD sufferers are Special Ops and flight crew members. I’d like to know what her job was. Although PTSD is a horrible condition, it appears many try to use it as an excuse for inexcusable behavior.