Could it be that when Don Bolduc suddenly declared on Fox News earlier this month that he’d come to realize that the 2020 election wasn’t stolen, it was actually a ploy to pass himself off as a normal guy now that he has to win over normal people in the general election??
“The narrative that the election was stolen-it does not fly up here in New Hampshire for whatever reason,” Bolduc said.
Maybe because it wasn’s stolen!
I suppose its too much for CNN to mention that Kise was a registered foreign agent working to circumvent US santions againt Venezuela’s Maduro. Trump only hires the best people, afterall.
What I would hope is that Democratic voters understand that, with the GOP in control of the levers of power, the world going forward would be in a great deal of peril.
I am old enough to remember when some people thought there was no substantive difference between reagan and Carter. Republicans have been lying about their extremist views since Goldwater.
This analysis is kind of wrong. If you watch the “reversal” interview a week ago he did acknowledge that Biden won the election, but immediate followed it up by asking “Was there fraud? Absolutely”. So he didn’t totally reverse his position, and this is just a continuation of that.
If I had to bet, it would be that this isn’t the problem, and the problem is that Kise is telling Trump things he doesn’t want to hear. Starting with “stop talking and stop posting on social media.”
It’s generous of Bolduc and Aadland to do their opponent’s opposition research and write the copy for their opponent’s commercials for them.
I suspect their chance of victory is diminishing to a vanishing point.
Actually Goldwater didn’t lie about his extremist views, that’s why he got his clock cleaned. Rethugs learned from that and have been lying ever since.