that could have been me
And, if you’re white, it could’ve been you too. Yes, Donald is a racist. He has no issue with the suffocation of a black man. Or a white man he doesn’t like.
Trump believes aggression works.
that could have been me
And, if you’re white, it could’ve been you too. Yes, Donald is a racist. He has no issue with the suffocation of a black man. Or a white man he doesn’t like.
Trump believes aggression works.
They took quite a shot at it by knocking down Martin Gugino, aka, the Antifa Grandpa.
Mr Adams That is YOU with a knee on your neck as long as YOU are carrying water for Trump.
So, this isn’t the kind of “taking a knee” you signed up for?
Yes, Donald is a racist. He has no issue with the suffocation of a black man,or his thoughts.Case in point
Trump snubs Dallas’ top law enforcement officials, all black, for talk about policing and race in Dallas
As if anybody knows his name or that there is such a thing as a Surgeon General.
It’s going to be similar in a perverse way to the time BHO said Trayvon Martin could have been his son. The incoming was fast and furious, and so will WH response Stephen Miller’s response to Dr. Adams.
Yeah, picking up $10M is better than being a consoler in chief.
Ivanka! Her $1540. Bible-stash handbag will be repurposed into a medical kit with bandages, iodine, a pair of scissors, and a mirror.
What a pig you are.
Imagine being a black man in America who fully acknowledges that systematic racism renders him a second class citizen, but still thinks that tax cuts for wealthy people are more important.
Odd, but a lot of masks I see on black and white protesters say BLM or “I can’t breathe” or tee shirts that say “I am not your negro.” Scott, always mindful that support from PP is always on the line goes with God Bless [America?], unaware that god’s not watching right now.
And she can pull out her “Sexy Nurse” costume that she uses to “tend” to Daddy.
No idea what your issue is or why you’re offended over an image mocking Trump. Fuck off.
Yep, his entire visit here is a complete whitewash. Kiss up to the white megachurch set, then take a bunch of money from the local oligarchs. The only surprise is that they only rounded up 24 oligarchs, which seems like a pretty sparse showing for the Highland Park/Preston Hollow set.
Trump racist Birther in Chief.
In this country, no matter who you are, how much money or power you may have amassed, you’re a black man first, second, and third, with all that entails.
The Surgeon General understands that, though his boss obviously doesn’t, and will likely be upset.
Rudebags Gibliani is always available, and always will be.
Their campaign donations must have got lost in the mail.