The Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected Alabama’s stay request, the first sign that it will not be blithely compliant with state officials’ attempts to undo the high Court’s June ruling knocking down its maps.
Alabama should just ignore the SCOTUS, there are going to be cero consequences. Is not like Biden is going to send the 101st Airborne to force them to redraw their maps.
Alabama will grouse about it and may try going to court about it again, but the court has shown decisively that it’s not entertaining Alabama’s racist maps.
Alabama seemed to believe that Kavanaugh was ready to flip. Apparently Roberts impressed on Kavanaugh the importance of sticking with decisions in the same year they are made.
Roberts trying desperate to “make up” for the damage of Dobbs. Thanks for this one, John, but nothing can negate the lack of denunciation of Thomas, and other egregious rulings. But we’ll take it!
Once again they failed to think through the implications of their defiance. I’ve said for a long time that sooner or later the Supreme Court could hand down a decision that the blue states refuse to enforce. And they can point to things like this as precedent. The concept of the double edged sword and where it may or may not apply is lost on them. And that pigs get fat, but hogs get slaughtered.
The comfort with which Alabama officials ignored both the Supreme Court and the federal panel reveals both how accustomed to winning right-wing litigants have become under the 6-3 supermajority, and how confident they are that they can flip a member of the narrow majority.
Hooray for this, but hard not to reflect on how stopping blatant over the top racism can only muster a 5-4 majority in this court. They have sucked the optimism straight out of me.