Originally published at: Supreme Court Mulls Letting 5th Circuit Ignore Precedent It Doesn’t Like In Texas Porn Case
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: Texas, by way of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, is before the Supreme Court on a conservative culture-war issue. This case centers on a Texas law that requires sites with one-third or more content that is “harmful to minors” to verify the age of users before…
Starting to think it might have been a good idea to burn down the churches that told the Confederacy that slavery was OK with God. Oh, and the murder of their fellow Americans.
But, they’re the most powerful voting bloc in the whole country, you say?
“It was very difficult for 15-year-olds, whatever, to get access to the type of things that are available with the push of a button today.”
“Are those the sort of developments that suggest revisiting the standard of scrutiny as something we should at least consider, as opposed to keeping a structure that was accepted and established in an entirely different era?” [Chief Justice John Roberts] asked.
"“Technological access to pornography obviously has exploded,” Chief Justice John Roberts said to the Free Speech Coalition’s lawyer. “It was very difficult for 15-year-olds, whatever, to get access to the type of things that are available with the push of a button today.”
“Are those the sort of developments that suggest revisiting the standard of scrutiny as something we should at least consider, as opposed to keeping a structure that was accepted and established in an entirely different era?” he asked."
Answer: Nope. That the exercise of free speech and access to others’ exercise of it have become easier does not make the speech itself more dangerous or justify the abandonment of strict scrutiny.
This is all just an attempt to get the Crusader’s warhorse’s nose in the tent. They will INSTANTLY pivot to labeling anything LGBTQ as dangerous to minors and require that even things like political advocacy websites…such as those providing information about where to seek help for things like suicidal thoughts or parental abuse related to the child’s identity…have an age checking filter system.
They will enforce an age checking filter system on TPM, too. One that prohibits any commenters over the age of six years.
GOP: “We must pass laws to protect children from images!”
Also GOP: “There’s nothing we can do to protect children from guns!”
That’s ok. I’ll still be here then…
Well, me too… if it is based on one’s developmental age.
Someone has to guide his hand, but it wouldn’t surprise me if he has an account.
Two things:
Requiring the use of biometrics or registration of legal identification to access porn sites in Texas would be ripe for Rethugliklans to further secure their base.
Having extensively “professionally driven” every state except Maine, Alaska and (despite my repeated requests) Hawaii, one thing I’ve consistently found is that the number of churches a state has directly corresponds with the number of strip clubs and porn stores. In short, the more professed piety the more strip shows and skin-flick shops, often located conveniently just off the Interstate.
Fun Fact: I laughed every time I drove past the sign for Miranda’s Adult Superstore in Bucksnort, Tennessee.
Texas, by way of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, is before the Supreme Court on a conservative culture-war issue.
It is to laugh
Texas ranks high in per capita internet porn — but how high? By Matthew Martinez Updated February 02, 2018
There’s only one way to describe the sheer volume of internet porn consumed in the Lone Star State last year.
Texas-sized, according to the experts at Pornhub.
Those are not the same. Owning guns is a constitutional right while freedom of speech is . . . oh.
The Southern Baptist Church was the key entity that provided the essential institutional refuge that enabled and fostered the survival Southern Slave owning Planter Class values during the Civil War and afterward during Reconstruction.
This from the man who conceived of the Southern Strategy
that he gave to Nixon. He later came to deeply regret that choice.
“ In his two most recent New York Times bestselling books, American Dynasty and Wealth and Democracy, Kevin Phillips established himself as a powerful critic of the political and economic forces that are ruling and imperiling the United States. Now, Phillips takes an uncompromising view of the political coalition, led by radical religion, that is driving America to the brink of disaster.
From Ancient Rome to the British Empire, Phillips demonstrates that every world-dominating power has been brought down by a related set of causes: a lethal combination of global over-reach, militant religion, resource problems, and ballooning debt. It is this same axis of ills that has come to define America’s political and economic identity in the past decade. Military miscalculations in the Middle East, the surge of fundamentalist religion, the staggering national debt, the costs of U.S. oil dependence together these factors are undermining our nation’s security, solvency, and standing in the world. If left unchecked, the same forces will bring a debt-bloated, preachy, energy-starved America to its knees. With an eye on the past and a searing vision of the future, Phillips has written a book that no American can afford to ignore.”
Did Clarence Thomas share that tid-bit with him?