The Supreme Court hears arguments Wednesday in which the North Carolina state legislature is pushing the independent state legislature theory, a radical idea that existentially threatens free and fair elections.
Okay, so if the current scotus actually were “conservative” or “originalist”, they would laugh this lawsuit out of the courtroom. But we all know that they are neither. FURST??
I would think so. I’ve been harping on this for years, particularly after the last several, in which Republican legislatures voted themselves the right to flip their state’s electoral votes to what they wanted, if they decided the voters were “wrong.”
I pledge allegiance to the flags of separate political bodies known as the states, that are confined within territory formerly known as the United States of America…
Wonder how the state legislature plans on governing when they’re only in session in the odd number years, with a shorter session in the even numbered years. Is this some ploy to make getting elected to the state legislature a full time job? Has anyone done cost analysis of having a permanent seated legislature?
Unbelievable. Let’s twist the words until they say what we want. Where in the Constitution is there any mention of the courts not being allowed to review legislative action? I am so sick and tired of “originalism.” The theory that nothing has changed in 233 years?? Please. Something needs to be done about the Supreme Court. Let’s set a retirement age and a code of ethics for starters.
5-4 that ISTL is denied, but just barely and it should never have arrived in the SCOTUS in the first place. I get the sense Roberts and Barrett are too concerned about how it just totally upends the structure of checks and balances and they probably rightfully fear how it could be turned around on their tribe, who intends to set the precedent of abusing it first. The other 4 fuckers are too giddy with their neofascist daydreams to see any sense.
I have repeatedly said that Originalism is a scam, a way for the Federalist Supremes to foist GOP policy preferences and advancing the Right under cover of “reverence for the Constitution”.
It’s basically John Roberts, et al, saying “the Constitution says what we say James Madison* said: and You Can’t Argue With James Madison!!”
(…like, cause he’s dead…)
It’s a form of Judicial Necromancy, raising the honored dead to put words and ideas and worldviews into their corpus of writing, and make them say what they want.
The egregious overreach and dishonesty of the Dobbs decision, the novel finding of gun rights (What would Jemmy Madison make of an AK-47?), the gutting of the Votes Right Act, the claim of Speech=Money, and Corporate personhood aren’t in the constitution…