Supreme Court Executes Massive Power Grab From Executive Branch In New Ruling

Dire times…


I am going to take the opportunity to say the new comments feature on TPM just sucks to high heaven. It lacks capacity and there is no good way to get back to previous comments.

I have to check out now, so it might be 30 minutes before I try again and 40 minutes before I get in.

They are getting away with everything. J6, the corruption, stealing top secret documents - everything. And no one is going to stop them.


I grew up fairly certain that I would live to see a nuclear war, but living during the transition to Gilead was not on my radar. Welcome to the Gilded Age 2.0.


Why is anyone surprised? This is the court that said we no longer needed voting rights acts because we elected a Black man president. We are no longer a racist country. This is the court that knows more about the female body than any doctor or scientist or woman. While there are a couple of “supremes” that get all the media attention, the chief supreme is busy achieving his agenda while appearing to be …what, I was going to say rational but he is anything but rational. Beware the sleight of hand. He’s as much a liar and hypocrite as the fi.


And we are still waiting for the Trump immunity ruling. I am betting that they will write in a way that leaves Trump completely off the hook but doesn’t allow Biden form assassinating them.

These crooks are no longer pretending being honest.


Well, one, immediate and visceral reaction is to look at Monday’s decision as the coup de grâce for this “nation of laws, not men”: immunity for the Felon.

Happy to be wrong, but if it looks like collapse, and walks like collapse…


They were for it before they were against it. We really don’t know how it plays out in the end.


Reminds me of all my left of center friends who refused to vote for Hillary. I said, what about judges? Forget judges, they said, Hillary sucks. This is on the lefties who sat out 2016 or voted third party. They wanted this as much as the republicans did, only they didn’t say it. Gives them something to rage against I guess.



Some times drag & drop works, sometimes it does not.
Who knows? Does anyone care at TPM that bugs rule?


I actually want to thank the Supreme Court.

Thank them for knocking Biden’s poor debate performance out of the minds of the Dems and showing us once again why we can’t afford to give up on this election. If we give up, Thomas and Alito will definitely retire and we’ll lose our only chance to reshape the court for another generation.


In addition to gutting the Chevron deference the reactionary majority severely limited the “obstruction of an official proceedings” [18 U. S. C. §1512(c)(2)] in its Fischer decision, also 6-3, sending the case back to the DC Circuit for review of the indictment charging Joseph Fischer, and - not uncoincidentally - a significant part of the government’s DC indictment against tRump.
It appears as if a major page will be ripped out of the tRump DC case, and if SCOTUS also gives tRump some slack in the “immunity” case, it’s all over.




As the dust settles…


Koch and Leo finally got what they wanted.

And this is gonna backfire on them.


No doubt the Sleazy Six are saying their best for last—giving Trump total immunity while denying it to Joe.

And we know that Leonard Leo is scheming with Slappy T and Cardinal Alito to figure out a way to remove Joe and Kamala and putting Trump back in the Oval Office.


You know, I did my grieving over Chevron, along with Roe and rule of law generally, on 11/8/2016 when I was heaving up my guts into the toilet. It’s been baked in since that moment.

That’s what happens when people take democracy for granted, assume it is the natural state of things while also embracing the ignorant cynicism that huffs democracy off as a sham and a scam because we’re no different from the world’s real tyrannies, actshully.

There’s no path out. Only through. So do we let ourselves get demoralized by shit we already knew was inevitable, give up and let them nail down the lid on democracy’s coffin and drop it into a hole so deep it will take decades to hit the bottom or naw?

I realize we’re supposed to believe it’s all over after last night, but seems to me we really need to defer our wallowing in despair and get busy unless we want to squander our last chance of arresting it.

Donate. Sign up to be an election worker to stem the tide of MAGA fuckery. Vote. It’s all we got.


What happens in the SCOTUS goes over the head of the immense majority of voters . They only see memes on tik-tok.


The Republican goal of turning the US into an ungovernable mess is almost complete. The Articles of Confederation never went away; they were just resting, waiting for the SupCt to revive them.


Leonard Leo won’t rest until every city’s atmosphere looks like mid-century Los Angeles.
