Jarrad Shelton, a self-proclaimed “lifelong conservative” is announcing the creation of the “Draft Sarah Huckabee Sanders For Arkansas” PAC to show her the support she’d have, should she decide to run for office.
If the state of Arkansas is going to saddle the Senate, and therefore the rest of the Country with Tom Cotton, then they deserve to have a POS like Sarah as their Governor.
You can go fornicate with yourself, sir. WE already have a POS governor in A$A!! Hutchinson!!! Plus we have John Dozin Bozeman along WITH Rotten Cotton to really make things worse for us.
Not to forget Leslie (Pantslinger) Rutledge as our attorney general. Why do you hate us so much?
Sanders has zero charisma, is dumber than a post, and lies in such an unconvincing manner that even GOPers probably aren’t fans. If nominated by the Arkansas GOP for governor, her results in the general election would be a test in how stupid that state’s voters are.
“She is a hero my daughters can look up to and is a fantastic representative of the great state of Arkansas. She possesses the strength, dignity, and grace under pressure that is missing from so many leaders today; I want to work to show Sarah that Arkansas and America love her, respect her and want her to continue being involved as a leader in this country.”
Yeah, she’s a great role model for your kids. If they want to grow up to be serial liars.