This is a Big Fucking Deal
If Trump is a plant, he is a self-fertilizing one.
Nothing like the smell of Cooked Goose on a Saturday morning.
Oh. The only one I can think of is “Audrey from the “Little Shop of Horrors”.
“Feed me Seymour, feed me all night long.”
Trump has been looking for a miracle and I think he has found it - he may be the first Republican in my memory to make the military vote for a Democrat.
OT: Thread from Eric Lipton on Trump’s misuse of campaign funds. How can this be legal?
Looks like we’re in for a fairly busy Labor Day weekend.
POSTED: Deep look at how Trump’s campaign accounts were turned into Trump litigation fund used to punish ex aides who criticized him, to keep his tax returns secret, even to defend POTUS from lawsuits filed by people allegedly beaten at Trump rallies
Trump has no way to deal with this.
Patterns of behavior which every person on this comment board learned at about age three or four are unknown to him.
Unfortunately, the “losers and suckers” story is now doomed to be a 24-hour story (if that) because John Kelly feels it beneath him to comment on politics in an ongoing election.
Maybe. Rachel M. made a good point—it’s not just presidents, she’s never heard a human being talk that way about war dead. It’s literally unheard-of. He gets away with a lot because he’s gotten away with scores of things on a roughly similar level of outrageousness and it’s kind of amazing what you can get used to. But this brings you up short. We’ve all met selfish people, people out for themselves, all that. But the idea of a person so small, so cowardly, and so locked inside his prison of self that he literally does not understand a concept as fundamental to human survival as sacrificing for others—that’s just transcendently shocking. It shows him as the profoundly sick and broken person he is. And his world can’t stand that revelation. He’s unfit for office and pretty close to unfit to interact with other humans at all.
I think Kelly’s lack of comment speaks VOLUMES.
This story has legs—very sturdy ones, too—and is going to dominate the news cycle for at least the next week.
When new polling reveals the revulsion average Americans feel because of Trump’s statements, the story will have a renewed life.
If the story was false, Kelly would have said so.
This is “yes”.
Well, yeah! He wasn’t going to use his own money to pay all those lawyers. This just confirms what a number of us already suspected.
Sometimes as we all know it’s best to be quiet.( Be Best)
I am not exaggerating. When Rachel broke this story, I sat motionless in my chair, my mind going through human examples.
And found none.
That’s what I thought, but I’m not so sure now. And I don’t think Kelly’s lack of comment speaks volumes with today’s extremely dumbed-down populace. I’m not suggesting the story was false - I’m simply saying it would be much more powerful if he would make a statement.
Very well stated. I don’t think the average person out there understands the depth of Trump’s depravities, despite the overwhelming amount of evidence. This story is impossible to ignore for salt-of-the-earth people.
Now that this story is breaking through, I wouldn’t be surprised to see more attention focused on Russia’s targeting of our troops…which for some reason, never quite gained traction. It’s part and parcel of his disregard for our men and women in the military.