A lot of things happened. Here are some of the things. This is TPM’s Morning Memo. C’mon, This Ain’t The Hatfields and McCoys I love covering a good ol’ fashion pissing match as much as anyone. Call it what you…
A tinpot CEO IgER with proto-fascist tendencies is trying to bend a STATe iNTO ACCePTing More thAn Two gender (science!) AND mAKing EVERYone saY gaY and GEt aBortionS. WOKE carTOONS ND bOOKS with Gay and Transgender ANd BLAck minorITIES is maKing Whites FEELings HUrt aNd Trying TO grOOM our KIDs.
“Fascist curious GOP presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has an idea for addressing GOP challenges with young voters that is likely to catch on with other Republicans: don’t let them vote.”
Maybe somebody should tell Vivek Ramaswamy that “Aryan” means something different to Aryan Nation than how he interprets it.
Disney stood up to defend its patrons and employees against DeSantis’ Don’t Say Gay law. DeSantis retaliated in dramatic and unprecedented ways. Disney stood firm. DeSantis upped the ante. Disney fought back. DeSantis kept going. Disney sued. Florida sued back. It’s still going.
Bootsie’s real intent: (Scary as fuck!)
"…Press interest has perked up lately, with DeSantis’ policy initiatives becoming more febrile as his announcement draws nigh.
"But the press hasn’t begun to devote sufficient attention to the curious experiment DeSantis has launched, based on the hypothesis that it’s possible to win a presidential nomination, not to mention a presidential election, by appealing exclusively to a bloc of racists, antisemites, gun nuts and other nightcrawlers of the far right. An America led by DeSantis as he has portrayed himself thus far would be a dystopian hellhole.
“Let the examination begin…” – Michael Hiltzik, LA Times, on what a “President Ron DeSantis” would bring to America. Hiltzik goes on at length to remind us of Bootsie’s noxious record that, as he notes, the media have not drilled down on sufficiently.
By the way, the latest disaster Bootsie’s visited on Florida is the loss of a $1 billion Disney campus in Orlando, which would have added 2,000 high- paying jobs to that state’s economy. Disney said the decision was made due to “changing business decisions,” i.e., Bootsie’s continuing harassment of Disney for opposing his “Don’t Say Gay” law.
I had a drawing instructor in college whose father was an exterminator and during his career crawling under thousands of houses had quite a collection of mummified cats and dogs she brought in for us to draw. I wish I’d taken pictures so I could post them.
Politico has this article about Ron DeSantis’ wife, Casey. It is an interesting read on both Ron and Casey, but what caught my attention was this comment from someone who knows both and wanted to remain anonymous because of certain behavior traits from both Ron, and Casey. It could explain why Ron will not give up his war with Disney.
“It’s always been a *them* ,” said a person who’s known them since before his first run for Congress — one of many people who will speak candidly only when granted anonymity because of the power of a governor who might be a president and also that of his wife and what they perceive to be their collective capacity for spite.
Wow: the posted video of the man with the AR-15 was really weird. He seems to have good intentions, although his methods are somewhat twisted. However, the idea that Maryland law allows someone to simply walk around with a semi-automatic rifle (With the result that the local police have to station officers nearby to potentially take him out if he goes on a rampage…) is beyond bizarre. Real hunters and sports shooters don’t need AR-15s. If the political will existed, they could be eliminated overnight. How many of the fantasy Rambos are really prepared to go down in a hail of bullets against the local SWAT team?
If DeSantis announces his candidacy for the presidency and goes onto the debate stage with his competitors, I’d say he’s going to bomb out much as another fascist wannabe Governor, Scott Walker of Wisconsin. His grasp will exceed his reach…
I was just going to post that article.
Former staffers say if you think HE is a vindictive asshole she is twice that. If you think HE is paranoid, she is twice that.