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This article is part of TPM Cafe, TPM’s home for opinion and news analysis. It was originally published at The Conversation.
In a similar situation, the Supreme Court ruled that the free speech rights of a bigot are more equal than the 14th Amendment rights of a gay couple. One of these things is not exactly like the others. Now it’s time to head up the Big Thompson.
Protecting the constitutional rights of all citizens includes protecting the constitutional rights of members of the LGBTQ community and of other gender-nonconforming people.
Dang the Liberals. Always hiding behind the Constitution.
In any case it will ultimately be up to the 6 Justices Operatives to decide if LBTGQ are full citizens. If they rule against them (and the 1st Amendment) I can’t wait to see what smooth line of legal bullsh*t they use to justify transphobia.
Ironic to see all these hateful motherfucking free-speech advocates who want to know why they can’t use hate speech keep getting shut down for limiting free speech.
Fluffing the Aged and Godly: My Path to World Domination.
The Ron DeSantis Story.
Article should have mentioned that a Federal Judge did let Tennessee’s law banning gender affirming care go into effect.
Also related: This article by the (absolutely odious) Chris Rufo, who pretends that what’s happened with the passage of anti-academic freedom legislation in Florida as a fair First-Amendment fight in the public square in which “radical” ideas lost out. I don’t blame you if you don’t want to read this, but it’s worth your time if you want a master class in disingenuous rhetoric.
The haters don’t care about content. They will keep up the harassment as long as the media goes along for the clicks.
I heard a discussion on MSNBC a couple of weekends ago that the SC seems to be setting a tiered system of rights, as in certain rights take precedence over other rights. And in reference to the 303 Creative case a person’s religious rights win over someone’s equal access to goods and services.
So if the commenter was correct this would seem to mean that all people are equal, but some people are more equal than others.
what made them and most Floridians nervous was the office of GOVERNOR and all its power, being used for Desantis’ lust for political power…he has used that power to attack a major business, who disgreed with him, to punished people who are not like him,and denied school chldren reading material about life styles he doesn’t like. all that and more.i have no idea who RUFO is… but i bet he doesn’t live in FLORIDA.
Clarence says there is precedent for a 3/5th compromise.
DeSantis appointed him to serve on the board of trustees for the New College of Florida:
First Amendment free speech rights don’t extend to members of the LGBTQ+ community. They exist only for the Christian evangeicals who find very existence of gay people an affront to Buddy Jesus.
What the Christian evangelicals want is for them to be permitted to stone gays to death, or maybe to allow them to massacre gays on sight. For the average Christian Nationalist evangelical the “Purge” movie series isn’t dystopian. On the contrary it is one step shy of God’s rule on earth.
Republican States Protecting Minors
Hang on, here. I’m seeing an awful lot of Republican politicians muscling parental rights aside.
You’ve got a choice, Republican voters. Actually, three of them:
Chilling the exercise of rights is an intentional feature, not a bug, of alleged human being DeSantis’ efforts.
Those Federal Judges ruling against these Rethuglican bans better take care, lest DeSatan smote them down.
Everyone just gotta quit electing Republicans while we still have a few judges who know religious free speech is bigger than Christ-o-fascists’ freedom to tell everyone else what to do.
" I wouldn’t hit you if you had made dinner right. "
Exactly. And for Rufo, that’s his stated understanding of the public square.