State Dept Urges US Citizens To Leave Iraq After Trump-Authorized Strike On Iranian Leader | Talking Points Memo

President Trump authorized a drone strike on the Baghdad International Airport in Iraq that assassinated a top Iranian official, according to multiple reports.

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Nothing like having a solid plan to contain and control the consequences of your impulsive actions.

Something like, “Run for your lives!”


Leave how, exactly?

They attacked the Baghdad airport, shutting it down.

And the overland, through the desert, routes don’t end in a whole lot of friendly places.


Rambo veterans. They’ve seen it all. Fake blood, stuntmen and blanks. JFC. Another hot spot created by draft dodgers safe at home. Can you imagine what it must be like ……right now….to be an American civil engineer in Iraq? Perhaps you work on clean water supplies or building bridges but your State Department issued a warning this morning: don’t dare try to make it to the American Embassy and get the hell out of Iraq anyway you can. Drive if you can’t get to the airport. And while you’re getting that memo the head of that rinky dink department of state is saying “American lives are safer”. This about being that engineer or school teacher.

There are about 5,500 American soldiers in Iraq. Just to the north Iran has 400,000. They have tac air, artillery, long range missiles …the whole show. And they have a leader no more stable than Trump. A religious fanatic with nothing to lose. Except his face so he’s going to do something. Americans will die. They must no matter the cost.

5,500 kids stuck in a shit hole with a draft dodging ego maniacal golfer running their show. And the shit is going to hit their fan. Not the 17th hole in Mar a Largo. Some will die and many will suffer life changing injury physical or mental. They’ll come home and question their worth and whether they fit. Nothing will make sense. Eventually they’ll learn to fake it and cry when it breaks out at the wrong times. Fucking Rambo veterans…….and “thank you for your service” asshole Americans.


You can drive…to Syria or Iran. Sounds good. Or take a long 1 lane road to nowhere with jihadi check points every 10 clicks. What a fucking tub of guts Pompeo is.


I’d like to know how much of the “intelligence” supposedly justifying the assassination came from Israel or Saudi Arabia, who have their own bloody agendas.


We are committed to defending Americans

Everybody leave.

Question. What in hell are we doing there while defending the Saudis who attacked us on 9-11? Forcing them to like us, exterminating a billion Muslims, or stealing their oil?

How many more decades of no goal?


As we leave are we gonna take the oil?


I am confounded.
DT pulls out of Iran nuke treaty then
We pull the sole aircraft carrier USS Abe Lincoln from the gulf.
Next he pre-emptively strikes killing Suileman

And this happens as Russia, NK & China are conducting joint military exercises, they all have nukes

There will be horrific reprisals.
American lives in NYC, & LA are likely targets.

Chaos & fear…mutual destruction.

Even Israel or Saudi Arabia was not crazy enough to assassinate the #2 man in Iran. They know the cost in retaliation would be too high.

Hell during the middle of Gulf War 2 even an idiot like Georgy Porgy and his Neo-con’s knew that this was a stupid idea:

In 2006, according to an Army study of the Iraq War that was eventually declassified, the U.S. military headquarters in Iraq “prepared a plan to kill or capture Qods Force commander Qassem Soleimani…But U.S. commanders “ultimately refrained from taking action against Soleimani, allowing the Iranian general to enter and exit Iraq unhindered…It does not explain why the military did not act on the proposal or whether it was considered at higher levels…


I thought Jared had fixed everything? So now we’re sending US citizens out, and US troops in?

Way to fucking go, Donnie…


It’s hard to say how these reprisals started, isn’t it? Track it back from the embassy attack, the five bombings of militia targets, the missile attack on US installations, then I lose the thread.

I guess where we can easily pick it back up is that the Shiites were freed from Sadaam/Baath control when we invaded in 2003, and that emboldened Iran.

In the current setting though, Iran still has a lot to lose in going to full out war. This is going to be just another blip in this overall mess we’ve been in in the Middle East since, well, forever.

Where’s Trey Gowdy when you need a hard hitting, impartial investigation as to why the Embassy was attacked?



Thanks there for the heads up, dickhead.


And theyll leave w/o compensation /pay…b/c they no longer have jobs…


So tired of the senseless endless war about religion & oil. Tired of the senseless term “Middle East”…it’s Northern Africa…sigh…

Why is there so much chaos in NorthernAfrica? Smh

We have always been at war with Eastasia :smirk:


Trump has been at odds with Iran throughout his entire presidency, notably pulling the U.S. out of an Obama-era nuclear peace treaty with Iran in May 2018.

If only Chiselin’ Trump’s father had “pulled out” some 74 years ago. (sigh)

But wasn’t the purpose for taking the guy out to make Americans safer?

Time to bring back Bing and Bob Hope for “The Road to Kurdistan.”