NPR diplomatic correspondent Michele Kelemen was booted from Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s upcoming trip to Ukraine after Pompeo berated NPR “All Things Considered” co-host Mary Louise Kelly for asking him about the Ukraine scandal during an interview on Friday.
Can somebody please ask Donald, in a public setting, to point to Ukraine on an unmarked map? Or heck, have him point to the US. He probably can’t find that either.
Poor, poor Mikey. He’s so afraid of girls. Remember the reporter in Nashville? Now these mean, scary NPR girls are picking on him too! It’s just not right!
I stopped listening to NPR ages ago…the pandering to and failure to exercise critical follow-up with idiotic right-wing guests, and the both-siderism, just got to be too much for me. Maybe, however, just maybe they will learn something from this, and get back to some real journalism. I am not holding my breath, but…
For as bad as Trump is, you can at least make the argument that he doesn’t know any better (you know, because he’s stupid) but the guys like Pompeo, Barr, and Mulvaney do know better and thus they are even worse.
Another blow against the Enemy of the People and their tip of the spear, National Public Radio, the above average network that once broadcast A Prairie Home Companion and Car Talk.