Stacey Abrams had some choice words for her former gubernatorial rival Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) following his decision to begin rolling back the state’s stay-at-home orders at the end of the month.
By the time this is over, Kemp will wish he had not cheated Stacey Abrams out of the Governor’s Mansion.
People who insist on only interacting-in-a-spirit-of-equality with their own homogeneous group can fall prey to overstating their own importance and overestimating the prevalence of their own cloistered opinions, outlooks and evaluations.
I have to say, I am in Kemp’s corner here. Kill a lot of Georgians, turn the state into a hot spot (and note the worst areas in GA has NOT been Hotlanta, it has been rural areas… with little medical care since the hospitals went belly up due to the failure to take the Obamacare funding for Medicare expansion…
I for one am going to watch the GA numbers with an eager eye… Big outbreak, and GA is in play, and in an election where two GOP senators are on the ballot, and both might be dragged down by Kemp.
Rampell (who covers economic issues for the Post) has it exactly right.
My point is that a second round of infections, hot spots in FL, GA, TX (or WI) is a ticket to jail for Trump. GA is particularly fraught as there are two potentially in play senate seats up there as well.
This election is not about just getting rid of Don the Con, it is about putting his enablers and their political party on the scrap heap of history. Unfortunately a lot of people are going to die to make it happen, but did you really expect anything else from Trump? On the bright side, he has not gotten us into a nuclear war…
Florida is, but not including “seasonal residents” in there figures. There is also some issues arround the edges of “diagnosed cases” and non-hospital (nursing home) deaths.
But I think outside of FL - which is a clear case of fudging the books - that the system of reporting is too decentralized to be fudged very much. Retrospective analysis will show the numbers are too low and missed deaths, but I am not expecting a systematic - again outside of FL - fudging.
The systemic fudging is coming from the top, through constraining the supply of tests and capacity of testing.
No tests mean lots of misses. At this point, it’s clearly deliberate, we totally plateaued on test volume a couple of weeks ago, and haven’t moved up since. And it’s the CDC pulling the strings here.
Tx hasnt really opened anything but the state parks. Restaurants are still closed for dine in, but can operate for curbside pickup, retailers can do the same. So I wouldnt include TX at this point, all though we have some dumb asses and things could change.