In a blazing dissent, Justice Sonia Sotomayor took the conservative bloc to task for laying federal supremacy vulnerable to tactics she compares to those of pro-slavery crusader John C. Calhoun.
Sotomayor is defending the Constitution and the legitimacy of the S.C. The so-called conservatives on the court are posers. Dressed-up in their black robes the only rights they are willing to defend or care about are, religious and 2 A. They are not pro-life as they are more than willing to sign death penalty warrants willy nilly.
Look, SCOTUS is going to overturn Roe, or more likely make it so the states can do it easily so SCOTUS can say, hey we didn’t do it, they did!
We might as well start working on what we’re going to do to make the right to abortion legal and safe again by making a law they must enforce. Pretty much what RBG was saying back in the day.
I truly believe the backlash to this bullshit is going to be bigger than the 6 ever dreamed of.
This coupled with decisions to OK tax funding of religious schools, and the overturning of NY gun laws may motivate as well. Also, there needs to be serious court reform which Roberts fears. This court has delegitimized itself. Gay marriage will be struck at some point by this court. Bank on it.
Shame on the women who took it for granted the last 40 years and let the right wingers organize, have the stage to themselves and terrorize women going into clinics also too.
“Sotomayor took the conservative bloc to task for laying federal supremacy vulnerable to tactics she compares to those of pro-slavery crusader John C. Calhoun.”
That could be said for every right the sheeple, no matter their sex, are too lazy to vote to protect. Too few people really pay attention to SCOTUS until its too late.
A blue state really ought to craft the exact same law, but targeted at gun rights that requires a stringent background check and mandated safety training. If you believe your neighbor has a gun that runs afoul of the law, whether it’s how they acquired it or how they modified it, sue them for $10,000 + fees. If you find the local gun shop is rubber stamping the safety training, sue them too. If you’re wrong, oh well, no harm no foul. I have a good friend that has a lot of guns and I know for a fact a couple of them aren’t legal due to the way he’s modified them. I know there are gun shops in my area that would absolutely rubber stamp any laws they disagreed with (which would be most of them). See how the high court likes them apples.
History will not look kindly upon this Supreme Court. Their lack of intellectual rigor, consistency from ruling to ruling, and lack of adherence to established precedence is a disgrace. They have put the integrity of the institution at risk in the eyes of the public because they are rightly seen as political hatchet men/women instead of impartial arbiters of the law.