Sorry Mike Flynn, Judge Still Not Ready To Dismiss Your Case | Talking Points Memo

I’m not saying Judge Sullivan is fearful of what Barr will do in response to losing on this. I am saying that as the designated “fixer” Barr knows his orders are to push back. His boss acts as a crime boss and Barr is on his payroll.

I find myself chanting “Lock him up!” almost all the time any more. Sometimes I awaken in the middle of the night, chanting “Lock him up!” I must really think Michael Flynn is a real piece of shit. But I still think William Barr is worse, pound for pound. Maybe not quite as treasonous as Flynn (but who is?) but still worse overall, in terms of being a rotten sinking excuse for a human being. Oh, hell, let’s just call it a tie…

No, I believe I heard somewhere that Jesus is a registered Republican. (Always has been.) He was all the time preaching in the olden days about how it is cool to hurt the poor (starve them, stuff like that) and to hate the powerless. I think Jesus built an entire prime directive around those core principles, if I am recalling my Bible correctly.


Indeed - “The Young British Soldier”. If you find it interesting I would also suggest “Last of the Light Brigade” and (what I think is his finest, most infuriating work) “Tommy”. As a former military member I don’t think anyone was more attuned to the rank hypocrisy of those who claim to love the troops than Kipling. That said, not much more profound than Wilfred Owen’s “Dulce et Decorum est”.


It’s definitely in 2 Corinthians.

I vote for ADX Florence too – I think there’s a lot of isolation imposed there and the Secret Service can rest assured their charge will be allowed to live out his natural life.


mighty fine looking cat you have there - have you visited the official kitties thread?

No, I guess I’d better do that. That’s Eileen, about 18 years old, btw.

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What? C’mon, are you high?
GHW Bush made money on Desert Shield/Storm.
No reason not to put this out to bid, too. I hear the tar sands region is pretty fucking desolate, Canada might find it an appealing economic development opportunity.

That’s the salad course. Big Mac™ entree to follow.

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We’ve got the entire Aleutian chain, but I like where you’re going with this.


Or, and work with me here, ADX Nome.
Got a nice ring to it, no?

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I think getting a pardon also means you lose your fifth amendment right to refuse self incriminating testimony.

Wouldn’t that be fun!

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Is that a fancy name for a 5x5 slab of ice in the Arctic? If so, I’ll endorse it.