Some House Republicans Try To Set Themselves Up To Not Be Completely Useless As A Majority If They Keep House

Originally published at: Some House Republicans Try To Set Themselves Up To Not Be Completely Useless As A Majority If They Keep House - TPM – Talking Points Memo

If House Republicans manage to hang onto their majority next month, that’s just the beginning of House Speaker Mike Johnson’s (R-LA) problems. Johnson and other members of Republican leadership have been open about the fact that the complete and utter dysfunction that’s plagued their slim-majority the last two years must be remedied, if things go…

I guess Mikey doesn’t want a repeat of McCarthy’s 15-vote debacle OR his loss of power. Chickens have fucked around and are now coming home to find out.


Don’t worry about being useless Repubs.
As long as you kiss Trump’s ass you have a purpose.


“Some House Republicans Try To Set Themselves Up To Not Be Completely Useless As A Majority If They Keep House”

Being useless is the absolute best possible scenario for the GQP, and even that is just pie in the sky, because they spend every waking moment, and probably their dreams as well, trying to think up and implement ways to screw people over.


The Klown Kar Klub will continue to be an embarrassment if Republicans manage to hold onto the House. It’s in the best interests of the nation for Republicans to lose power until they either eject their bad elements or form a new party that is actually interested in governing and making things better for the majority. Hopefully enough Americans realize this and toss them out of power this election, I’m not sure how the nation will manage if they hold enough power to mess up the government, much less overthrow it in their quest to force us into a Christian theocracy.


This is more a response to all of Josh’s writing on ground game. Is it not possible that Josh is looking for the wrong thing, an attempt to maximize the mobilization of Trump voters to the polls? What if their ground game is really all about mobilizing extremist churches and militia groups to raise God’s army to “fight like hell” after Trump loses? Seems to me that Trump’s single concern is staying out of jail. If he wins, he stays out of jail, but he also stays out of jail by bringing the country to the brink of civil war and using the leverage to negotiate. Anyone in the world think that Trump won’t do, to stay out of jail, all the things that Pablo Escobar did to try to prevent his extradition to the US? Terrorist bombings, assassinations in the street. Everything Trump does in public–all the apocalyptic fascism in his rhetoric right now–is trying to create a permission structure for insurrection. What we don’t know is what he’s doing in private toward that same end. Maybe that’s what Musk is really working on.


Johnson has said that the one-member motion to vacate rule has “harmed this office and our House majority.”

It’s a bad idea now, after it helped him get what he wanted.

Republicans made their mess. Fix it by voting the entire Democratic ticket.

This is a change election. Change it your way.


Of course, the reactionaries could formalize their current strategy: let the Democrats pass all the legislation over their opposition and then claim credit for everything that’s popular.


Fire all the goobers and replace with competent folk
and let me add my strong dislike of trump


. . . . . . . . . . .Backpfeifengesicht . . . . . . . . . . .


It’s fascinating (ahem) how the obsession continues to be about the handful of nutbar republicans who make it impossible to get anything done, while ignoring the dozens of ostensibly non-nutbar republicans who could completely change the dynamic of congress by cooperating across the aisle to accomplish things they claim to want.

It’s as if they were all nutbars, but only some of them willing to be out and proud about it.



the Trump Tariffs

Imposing a financial penalty on another country that treats us unfairly or something?

Trump has an interesting idea. It would require some kind of global authority that would determine who-owes-what and another to enforce their ruling.

I thought Republicans rejected Bush Sr’s New World Order. Where did America First go?

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That piece on Usha Vance makes me think that she craves influence and winning more than he does, and anyone looking for her to be a moderating influence is deluding themselves…



(the Google machine)
This word deserves wider usage in our era.


They are not going to hold the House Majority.

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the one-member motion to vacate rule has “harmed this office and our House majority.”

The thing that has harmed the speakership and the GQP House majority is that the majority is expected to govern and that is not within their skill set.


Hungary has the worst performing economy and the second-poorest population (after Bulgaria) in the EU. It is a corrupt country. Yet the Orban model is what is coming to America if Trump is elected. Trump uses the same playbook of self-enrichment, playing off oligarchs, allies and enemies against each other, and abuse of minorities, real or fabricated. Pundits warn of chaos, but in economic terms it will be closer to sludge or Soylent Green.

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Hmmm, I vaguely remember the same thing being said about Ivanka Trump, then the world found out that she was just another enabler.

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