Sole Female TX Rep. Speaker Insulted Says He Did Not Apologize

Texas state Rep. Michelle Beckley (D) tweeted out a statement Wednesday claiming that House Speaker Dennis Bonnen (R) apologized individually to her “male counterparts” that he insulted during a recorded meeting, but not to her.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Forget it, Jake, it’s Texas.


Of course, I’m not privy to what exactly Bonnen said on that tape, but his not apologizing directly to Beckley suggests that Bonnen has some blind spots–others of which are very likely the reason this tape is so potentially damaging to him(and the GOP).


“Where’s that sammich!?!?!”


I guess the moral here is “If you want an apology from a Texas Rethugliklan schmuck you have to own a dick.”


I hope the tape gets released. Soon. Bonnen shouldn’t get away with this.


You know, he’s forbidden by some rethuglican rule to talk to a woman alone.


She’s married, so she probably qualifies on that count.

So the question is, did he not apologize personally to her because she’s a woman or because she’s a Dem? Or is it a two-fer?


Why you wearing shoes? Is it a church day?

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The Texas legislature only meets biennially, so there’s plenty more time for this Speaker to embarrass himself before the next session. At this rate, I doubt he makes it that far.

I think this is just SOP for a lot of men in a professional setting.


Well, what in the holy hell did you expect, doll?! You’re supposed to be barefoot and pregnant and chained to the stove! You should be thankful your God-like husband allows you to watch your stories on TV during the afternoon!


Yes, it’s the “Can’t Take A Chance On Getting A Chubby On National TV” GOP rule.

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Who the fuck are these people?

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Just folks Texans and most others in the South have been voting for for decades.

But Alabamans still draw the line at voting for pedophiles!

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I wonder how all this will play into demands for a special session to address the gun violence epidemic. Will the governor think it could be a useful distraction from the Conservatives in Chaos narrative, or will he be even more reluctant to call a session with Bonnen in peril?

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Not very professional, then, are they?


“In a chamber where 33 women serve, 22% of the entire body, are we not due the same respect our male colleagues are given?”

In Texas?!?!?!


There’s little more Byzantine than Texas Republican politics, so it’s difficult to figure Bonnen out. What we do know is that the previous Speaker of the House, Joe Straus, had the respect of many Democrats and most of the moderate Republicans. There was little love lost between Straus and the Gang of Three–Abbott, Patrick, and Paxton. After several years as Speaker, Straus gave up. So we can guess that Bonnen is closer to the crazies than he is to the moderates in either party, and that he is closer to the Gang of Three than was Straus. That would suggest that the House members on the Bonnen/Sullivan hit list weren’t crazy enough. Pure speculation on my part. Perhaps The Texas **Observer will get to the heart of the matter.