When this sketch began, I assumed it would be about the recent Republican presidential debate, but it turns out that was too boring, even for SNL. Instead, we got the “Undeclared Republican Presidential Candidates Debate,” which I should have seen coming because it gave Tina Fey the opportunity to dust off her Sarah Palin impression. She was joined by host Shep Smith and fellow debaters Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, Michele Bachmann, and Jimmy McMillan. Oh, Donald Trump was there too. Trump got some good shots in, co-opting Osama bin Laden’s death and spinning it as a surprise twist on last week’s episode of “Celebrity Apprentice.” He also got extra points for his gold-plated podium. Bachmann unveiled her “Fatal Attraction” campaign strategy, but it was Palin, naturally, who stole the show. She declared her intention to make a pilgrimage to the Middle East for a cameo in “The Hangover 3: The Third Hangover,” and also promised to run for president every four years for the rest of her life. Man, repeat Palin candidacies would be like “The Hangover,” Washington style! With an address from Jimmy McMillan directed at the Birthers who believe he was originally born a billy goat, this debate solidified itself as the one we wish had been aired last week. Watch via NBC below:
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