SNL Presents The 7th Or 8th GOP Debate With Host Fox’s ‘Shepard Smith’ | Talking Points Memo

Saturday Night Live is back, and they commemorated it by covering “the 7th or 8th” GOP debate. Bill Hader’s  Shep Smith hosted this debate, which was between Mitt Romney, Rick Perry and “six other people who’ll never be president!” Hader had some tough questons for Alec Baldwin’s Perry, who reiterated that he thinks Social Security is a Ponzi scheme, and that 10-year-old girls should be vaccinated against HPV so they can “begin a meaningful sexual relationship.” Jason Sudeikis’s Mitt Romney maintained that he was the perfect Republican candidate…when you look at all the other crazypants Republican candidates. Taran Killan was also on hand to give his best offensive “John Huntsman spent two years in China” impression. You might not think that would be offensive, but you’d be surprised! The sketch lasted approximately 1,000 years, but Hader’s Smith and Andy Samberg’s Rick Santorum were somewhat funny…even when making a decidedly not funny joke about NBC’s “Whitney.” Herman Cain promised to deliver pizza to the entire country. Also, Kristen Wiig’s Michele Bachmann dreams of a vicious, blood-thirsty return to caveman times, and had a killer closing line: “Fences, Jesus, papilloma, eyeballs.” Finally, Perry became too tired to go on and we were able to wrap up. Phew! Welcome to season 37, y’all! Watch the clip via NBC below:

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