Sketchy AZ Audit Looks For Bamboo In Ballots In Nod To Bonkers Election Hijacking Claim | Talking Points Memo

That’s the logic that really broke my brain. Why bamboo fibers specifically? Is it really because bamboo is mostly grown in Asia, so they assume bamboo is on everything that ships from that part of the world? I really want to understand. Maybe it was part of the original rumor - that the ballots were smuggled in covered with bedsheets made from bamboo fibers?

I know it’s a mistake to try and understand something like this. But I can’t stop myself from trying.


It’s so simple. The ballots are on A4 paper, just slightly longer than the American standard 8 1/2" by 11".

Having never traveled outside of the US, the ninjas counting them will never catch that simple slip that the foreigners made when shipping over the fake ballots.


While you’re trying to understand this, don’t operate heavy machinery and have a designated driver. We want you to stay safe.


I’ve seen probate cases disputing the validity of a will take ink samples and determine when the pen was produced based on the chemical markers. They took a sample the size of a needle prick and it was just a little dot of paper no bigger than pinhole.

There are various other forensic methods, but they take very expensive equipment and there’s no way they could do that for 2.1 million ballots.

I looked what could be determined with an ultraviolet light.

Ultraviolet (UV) light technologies are used for multiple purposes in forensic investigations, including authenticating paintings and other fine art, authenticating signatures, analyzing questioned documents, illuminating latent fingerprints at crime scenes and trace evidence on clothing, analyzing ink stains, and revealing residual stains of body fluids.

I also looked up bamboo pulp in making paper. That actually is possible and bamboo grows faster than trees, so they’re thinking in the future that it might be a more sustainable way to make paper. Although nearly all the bamboo pulp in China is going to make toilet paper.

I’m not an expert, but once it’s turned to a cellulose pulp, I really don’t think there’s any way to determine what type of pulp created the paper. Soft woods (Pine, fir, spruce…) have longer strands than hardwood, but I don’t think that can be determined by an UV light.

Supposedly they’re looking for folds in the paper, to determine if the ballot was ever in an envelope to be mailed. This seems to be very subjective and even if they ‘find’ what they’re looking for, I’m not certain what that actually proves. I don’t think it proves anything.


Not related but spot on


Most likely started with some snarky tweet by a prankster, pick something that is so obviously stupid that nobody would believe it… Then you have the GQP…


Now you’re just pandaing to wild conspiracy theories…


They’re even more Asian if they deny being Asian!


Or, conversely, that US papermakers would never think about incorporating alternate pulp sources in order to achieve the desired properties for a given paper product. Or that ballot printers use only local paper. The wrongness just reverberates.

They’d have as much luck testing for residues of Kung Pao chicken (far more widely consumed in the US than in it’s nominal country of origin)


He later added that he didn’t actually believe the 40,000 counterfeit ballot allegation, but that it was “part of the mystery that we want to un-gaslight people about and this is the way to do it.”

Those Q-ers have been huffing that gas for so long that there is no way to un-gaslight anything. Their brains have been liquified and have dribbled out their ears.


They’ve thrown the Trump anchor overboard and refused to hoist anchor or take to the lifeboats, so of course they’re stuck where they are. Until they do one or the other, they are on course to be swamped by a tidal wave of change while making no headway.


Because 40k extra ballots totally wouldn’t have been obvious during the first however many audits?!

These people are too dumb to be trusted with the grift they’ve been granted by the taxpayers of AZ.


This has got to be a joke, right?

I cannot believe this fraudulent recount is still taking place! Will someone pull the plug on this scam??!!!


This has got to be a joke, right?

I cannot believe this fraudulent recount is still taking place! Will someone pull the plug on this scam

Not just starkers. Stupiders. It’s like thinking paper from Hawaii would have pineapple fibers, or paper from Colombia would have coffee fibers. Just incandescent, blinding stupidity.


Ah, yes. It’s me ol’ bam-boo…


Bamboo in the paper? Can I call racism on this? I’m going to go ahead and call it racism. No need to think too hard about it.