The contrast between Arizona’s two senators, both Democrats, could not be starker in their response Wednesday to passing legislation after a shooting at a Texas elementary school left at least 21 dead.
Okay, so Sinema Verite doesn’t like “DC solutions.” Then why is she there? Time for her constituents to “call her home.” (Sadly, that won’t be until, what? 2026??)
Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (D-AZ) expressed her conviction that Americans want Congress to act.
Sen. Kyrsten Sinema then said “You know, I don’t think that D.C. solutions are realistic here.”
From which I conclude that Sinema does not think it is the job of the elected members of Congress to do the things the Americans who elected them to Congress want them to do.
Just hours after the shooting, lawmakers such as Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) were advocating for more armed people in schools.
Despite the apparent story that the shooter was engaged by armed police and still managed to get through them and into the school to shoot all those children.
The filibuster needs to go as it serves no “democratic” purpose. It would STILL require a majority of Senators (plus the VP, potentially) to pass ANY legislation, so Manchin and Sinema can still vote no on everything they hate…oh, wait, that might actually put them ON THE RECORD rather than hiding behind the filibuster.
The filibuster serves only to enable Republican resistance to moving forward on anything. And rest assured, as soon as they are back in power, the filibuster will be eliminated on anything they WANT to pass. So, then, what exactly is the point of keeping it now???